
チャームド2 魔女3姉妹
Charmed Season 2 Episode 218 Chick Flick(あこがれの人)           
放送:平成14年7月31日(水)NHK BS−11

Piper: I'm sorry, I just, I was watching Dan come home alone and I think a more appropriate title for that photo would be " witch with a severe case of the guilt's." And he was a nice guy who did nothing wrong and...

Prue: Piper, you had to end the relationship, alright. Your heart wasn't in it and it was the only way not to break his.

Piper:I know, I just feel like Dan got the short end of the stick.

Prue: There are so many ways that I can go with that but I think I'll just...

Piper: Thank you.

●get the short end of the stick


[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Prue, Piper and Phoebe are cleaning up the mess.]

Phoebe:How am I supposed to know what his deal is? He likes moonlit walks, thinks holding hands is under rated, and enjoys in his spare time killing witches.

Piper:It was a question for the room, Pheebs. When a demon makes a house call, my curiosity gets peaked.

Prue: Yeah, well, the house is a mess again. I mean, how come we can't fight the demon of cleanliness or the demon of housekeeping, or even that really big bald guy, Mr. Clean? I would so totally take him on.

Piper:But I don't get is the order of things. Don't we usually start some place dark and dreary and then end up at the manor for the big old vanquish?



【@】ドゥリアリ、ドリアリ、ドレアリ、【変化】《形》drearier | dreariest、【大学入試】

Prue: Well, he had a reason to attack us, so he would of found us sooner or later.

Piper: But the question is why? I mean, we usually don't vanquish someone without knowing who, what, where, when...

Prue: Well, what about the how? How did you know how to vanquish him?

Phoebe:Well, remember the spell that we used for the bunyip? Well, I just combined that with the one for the demon with the horn coming out of his...

Piper: Forehead?

Phoebe: Yep


Waiter: Pardon me.

Leo:Oh, I hope you don't mind, I got the munchies.

Piper: No, not at all. (The waiter places something on the table.) Thank you. (The waiter walks away.) Uh, there's no salt. Could you ask that table for theirs?


Demon:Oh, is that what you're gonna do? How cute. How clever of you. (Phoebe smiles and winks at Billy.) Any idea on how you intend to do that? Or are you just gonna flirt me to death like your little tardy sister.

Billy: Watch your language in front of the ladies. Consider that a warning.

Demon: I'm sorry, was it the word 'sister' that bothered you? How about bitch. Does that go down easier?

【@】ターディー、【変化】《形》tardier | tardiest、

Prue: Alright, you said that he does something in the movie. Like, what, to the story?

Billy: No, to the audience. When they leave they're different, angry.

Piper:So that's his shtick? He casts a spell in the movies?

Leo: Must be how this demon spreads his particular brand of violence.


Prue: He wasn't real receptive to the plan.


Piper: Does anybody else get tired of cleaning up after these guys? (The axe murderer walks in. Piper sees a bucket of water and pulls it close to her. Prue then sees a heater on. Billy comes in.)

Billy: It's okay, (he rolls up his sleeves) the man is here to save the day. (He holds his fists up.)

Prue:Billy, it's the 21st century, it's the woman's job to save the day.

●save the day
困難[窮地]から救う、うまく行く、土壇場で勝利をもたらす、急場を救う、事なきを得る、助かる、窮地を脱す◆アメリカのテレビ番組(cartoon)で Under Dog というのがあり、その主人公はいつも "Here I come to save the day." と歌っていた。そして、困っている人達を助けた

Piper:Hi. (Prue, Phoebe and Billy go in the living room.) Serious face. It's okay, we're too tired for pleasantries. Just tell us.


Demon: That's right. Run away you little witches. These are the mighty Charmed Ones. Ooh, why don't we run in fear.

Piper: Prue, I don't know what else we can do.

Demon:And you're supposed to be the perky one. You should really try not to be so negative. How does it feel to finally know someone you can't defeat?

Prue:I don't know, you tell me. (Prue uses her power and turns to picture head monitor off.) You know, if you leave a subject under the light for too long it burns.

【変化】《形》perkier | perkiest、