
チャームド2 魔女3姉妹
Charmed Season 2 Episode 219 Ex Libris (悪魔の証拠)
放送:平成14年8月7日(水)NHK BS−11

Phoebe:Hey, hi, I'm Phoebe.

Charlene:I'm Charlene. Actually we've met. We even carpooled. Metaphysics 301, remember?

Phoebe: Oh, that's right and your dad is the professor of that class, right?


Phoebe: Oh, that's right and your dad is the professor of that class, right?

Charlene:Yeah, dirty rat, he gave me a C. We don't get along in anything. Even metaphysics. But I'm, hoping that'll change when I finish my thesis, get published, he'll finally have to take me seriously. I'll quit before I start telling you about my mother.

dirty rat

Phoebe:If I don't ace this final, I'm gonna flunk outta school because of all the demon hunting interruptions.

Piper: Still Phoebe, you have to take care of yourself. You have to get some rest.

【名-5】《野球》アレクサンダー・カートライトのオリジナルルール(1845年6月15日)◆「1点」は現在使われている「run」でなく、「ace」と呼ばれていた。あるチームが21点、つまり 21 aces を取って試合終了だった。1850年頃「21 aces」から現在の9回(9 innings)制度になった。〔MR〕

flunk out

Piper: Alright, back to your position. Go on.

Leo:Are you kidding me? He's about to clock me.

【@】クラック、クロック、【変化】《動》clocks | clocking | clocked、【大学入試】

Phoebe: Charlene. She's a student that I know... or knew. The police found her body behind the library. About twenty feet away from her head.

Piper: Eww.

Phoebe: So I went back to the library and I saw her ghost. You know, I tried to tell her but I-I just couldn't.

Piper:You're right, yours tops mine.

【@】タップ、トップ、【変化】《動》tops | topping | topped、
【自動】頂上に登る、〜に達する、(数が)〜に上る、上回る、勝る、越える、首位を占める、1位になる◆【類】be at the top of the list ; be number one
【他動】(頂上を)覆う、最上位にある、超える、追い越す、上回る、勝る、先端につける、〜に蓋をかぶせる / 【用例・他動】 Environmental problems top the list of our world's most pressing issues today. : 今、世界的に地球環境問題が叫ばれている。 / I doubt if anybody can top my ex-wife. : 別れた妻を越える人はいないだろうなぁ。 / When it comes to customer service, Japanese airlines top the list. : カスタマーサービスの点では、日本の航空会社がトップを占める。

[Scene: Library. Phoebe walks over to a desk with books on it. Charlene appears.]

Charlene:Phoebe. (Phoebe gets a fright.) Sorry. Didn't mean to spook ya.

Phoebe: So to speak. Uh, Charlene, how are you feeling? Do you feel any different?

【変化】《動》spooks | spooking | spooked、

Charlene: What are you saying?

Phoebe: I am saying that I think a demon killed you last night. That's what I am trying to say. The only reason I can see you is because I'm a witch and I'm supposed to help you.

Charlene: I think you're the one who needs help. Not me.

Phoebe:Look, you don't believe me, try picking something up. Now, you know as well as I do that neophyte ghosts can not channel their anger into moving material objects. Try picking up a book. See for yourself.


Phoebe:Oh, sorry, (laughs) wrong sister. Okay, clef notes version. She is a student who found proof that demons really do exist and this demon right here, Libris, chopped off her head and dumped her body behind the library because of it.

(Prue reads the page.)


Prue:There are a whole bunch of Libris demons out there. "Wherever humans have the potential to find unequivocal proof of the existence of demons."

Phoebe: Yeah, talk about your conspiracy theories
