

round up   検挙する



OFFICER: To all officers! Two German couriers carrying important official documents murdered on train from Oran. Murderer and possible accomplices headed for Casabranca. Round up all suspicious characters and search them for stolen documents. Important!

Of all the nerve!     よくもそんなことを!

of all the〜


ABDUL: sorry sir, this is a private room.
NEXT MAN(German): Of all the nerve! Who do you think- I know there is gambling in there! There is no secret! You dare not keep me out of here!

a lucky break   幸運



RICK: They got a lucky break. Yesterday they were just two German clerks; today they're the Honored Dead.
UGARTE: You are a very cynical person, Rick, if you _ if you'll forgive me saying so.

push around   仕打ちをする

push around
【句動】いじめる、こき使う、手荒に扱う、あれこれ指示する、〜になめたまねをする、乱暴に扱う、軽蔑的に扱う / 【用例・句動】 You enjoy pushing me around because I'm a kid. : ぼくが子供だからいじめて楽しんでるんでしょ。 / Quit pushing me around.


SACHA: Hey, Taxi!
YVONNE: Who do you think you are, pushing me around?
What are fool I was to fall for a man like you!
RICK: You'd better go with her, Sacha, to be sure she gets home.
SACHA: Yes, boss.

put oneself out (to do)    おせっかいをやく

put oneself out

put oneself out to

stick one's neck out    冒険をする、危険を冒す

stick one's neck out
首を突き出す、危険に身をさらす、自らあえて危険を冒す、^災いを招く[物議を醸す]ようなことを^する[言う] / 【用例】 You're really sticking your neck out. : 随分危険な賭けに出るんだね。


RENAULT: Rick, there's going to be some excitement here tonight.
We are going to make an arrest in your cafe.
RICK: What, again.
RENAULT: Oh, this is no ordinary arrest. A murderer, no less.
If you're thinking of warning him, don't put yourself out. He cannot possibly escape.
RICK: I stick my neck out for nobody.

water under the bridge   過ぎてしまったこと

water under the bridge


ILSA: Hello, Sam.
SAM: Hello, Miss Ilsa, I never expected to see you again.
ILSA: It's been a long time.
SAM: Yes, ma'am. A lot of water under the bridge.

overstay one's welcome     長居して嫌われる

overstay one's welcome
長居する、長居して嫌われる、長居して嫌がられる、長居して歓迎されなくなる /
【用例】 Yes, once again, I've overstayed my welcome. / I've obviously just overstayed my welcome. / I wouldn't want to overstay my welcome. / Don't overstay your welcome.


LASZLO: Ilza, I don't want to be the one to say it, but it's late.
RENAULT: So it is. And we have a curfew here in Casablanca. It would never do for
the Chief of Police to be found drinking after hours and have to fine himself.
LASZLO: I hope we didn't overstay our welcome.
RICK: Not at all.

Here is looking at you, kid.    君の瞳に乾杯!


RICK: Who are you really? And what were you before? What did you do and what
did you think? Hur?
ILSA: We said "no questions."
RICK: Here is looking at you, kid.


take the sting out of something    楽にする

take the sting out of

You said it!    まったくそのとおり!


RICK: Now, Henri wants us to finish this bottle and then three more.
He says he'll water his garden with champagne before he'll let Germans drink it.
SAM: Huh! This sort of takes the sting out of being occupied, doesn't it, Mr.Richard?
RICK: You said it! Here's looking at you, kid.

put one's card on the table    手の内を見せる

put one's cards on the table


RICK: I'll tell him when he comes in.
FERRARI: Rick, I'll put my cards on the table. I think you know where those letters are.

run out on    〜を見捨てる

run out on
(人)を見捨てる、(人)を見捨てて行ってしまう、袖にする、駄目にする /
【用例】 The bride ran out on me after our honeymoon.


RICK: Why did you come back? To tell me why you ran out on me at the railway station?
ILSA: Yes.

as honest as the day is long    非常に正直な

as honest as the day is long


CUSTOMER: Say, are you sure this place is honest?
CARL: Honest! As honest as the day is long!

scruple   ためらい、しりごみ



RENAULT: Ricky, I'm gonna miss you. Apparently you're the only one in Casablanca
who has ever less scruples than I.
RICK: Oh, thanks.

take leave of one's senses    気が狂う、正気を失う

take leave of one's senses to


RENAULT: Have you taken leave your senses?
RICK: I have. Sit down on there!

hill of beans   価値のないもの

hill of beans


RICK: And you never will. But I've got a job to do, too. Where I'm going, you can't follow.What I've got to do, you can't be any part of. Ilsa, I'm no good at being noble, but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you'll understand that. Now, now. Here's looking at you, kid.


Knowledge is power.
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