単語・表現集 |
◎point taken 了解しました。
WILLIAM: Yes -- might make it hard to strike a really romantic note.
SPIKE: Point taken.
◎Winnie-the-Pooh 【書名】クマのプーさん
MR. SMITH: Do you have any books by Dickens?
WILLIAM: No, we're a travel bookshop. We only sell travel books.
MR. SMITH: Oh right. How about that new John Grisham thriller?
WILLIAM:No, that's a novel too.
MR. SMITH: Oh right. Have you got a copy of 'Winnie the Pooh'?
◎vicious circle 悪循環、いたちごっこ、循環論法◆
【反】virtuous circle
【用例】 We live in this vicious circle where we're afraid of guns. / And that creates a vicious cycle. / I think he's in the middle of this vicious cycle. / So it becomes a vicious cycle in a lot of ways.
【形】ボーッとなった、現実離れした、奇妙な、現実味のない / 【用例・形】 He is spacey. : 奴は夢のようなことばかり考えているんだよ。
WILLIAM: Just incidentally -- why are you wearing that?
SPIKE: Ahm -- combination of factors really. No clean clothes...
WILLIAM: There never will be, you know, unless you actually clean your clothes.
SPIKE: Right. Vicious circle. And then I was like rooting around in your things, and found this, and I thought -- cool. Kind of spacey.
◎play cool 落ち着いて振る舞う
WILLIAM: (caught out) Oh hi. It's William Thacker. We, ahm I work in a bookshop.
ANNA: (V.O.) You played it pretty cool here, waiting for three days to call.
WILLIAM: No, I've never played anything cool in my entire life. Spike, who I'll stab to death later, never gave me the message.
ANNA: (V.O.) Oh -- Okay.
◎fire away
JEREMY: And you are from 'Horse and Hound' magazine? (William nods.)
ANNA: Is that so? (William shrugs his shoulders. Jeremy settles at a little desk in the corner and makes notes. A pause. William feels he has to act the part. They sit in chairs opposite each other.)
WILLIAM: So I'll just fire away, shall I? (Anna nods.)
Jeremy exits.
WILLIAM: I'm just a complete moron. Sorry. This is the sort of thing that happens in dreams -- not in real life. Good dreams, obviously -- it's a dream to see you.
ANNA: And what happens next in the dream?
◎spitting image of, be 〜に生き写しである、〜と瓜二つである
BELLA: Hi. Good Lord -- you're the spitting image of...
WILLIAM: Bella -- this is Anna.
BELLA: Right.
◎sloshed 【形】酔っぱらって
MAX: And this is William.
TESSA: Hello William. Max has told me everything about you.
WILLIAM: (frightened) Has he?
MAX: Wine?
TESSA: Oh yes please. Come on, Willie, let's get sloshed.
◎sod off 去る、行ってしまう、出ていく、消え失せる
Back to William thinking again. Dreamy atmosphere. And then... more footsteps
on the stairs.
WILLIAM: Oh please sod off.
ANNA: Okay.
WILLIAM: No! No. Wait. I... thought you were someone else. I thought you were Spike. I'm delighted you're not.
◎Timbuktu = Timbuctoo
ANNA: This is such a mess. I come to you to protect myself against more crappy gossip and now I'm landed in it all over again. For God's sake, I've got a boyfriend.
WILLIAM: You do? It's a difficult moment -- defining where they stand.
ANNA: As far as they're concerned I do. And now tomorrow there'll be pictures
of you in every newspapers from here to Timbuktu.
◎down in the mouth
しょげて、がっくりして、がっかりして、元気なく、落ち込んで、落胆して、ふさぎ込んで、気がふさいで、惨めな気持ちで、不機嫌で、憂鬱になって、悄然として◆【語源】口唇の両端が下がる様子から / 【用例】 Why are you looking so down-in-the-mouth? : どうしてそんなにふさぎ込んでいるの? / You look down in the mouth today. : 今日はふさぎ込んでるね。
MAX: Any more announcements?
WILLIAM: Yes -- I feel I must apologize to everyone for my behavior for the last six months. I have, as you know, been slightly down in the mouth.
MAX: There's an understatement. There are dead people on better form.
関連リンク集 |
@ビデオの詳細 http://www.shochiku.co.jp/video/v90f/yz0001.html |
Aスクリプト集 http://blake.prohosting.com/awsm/script/nothill.txt |
Bテーマ音楽≪She≫の歌詞 http://www.stlyrics.com/lyrics/nottinghill/she.htm |
■ジュリア・ロバーツ主演映画↓ |
■ヒュー・グラント主演映画↓ |
■サントラCD&DVD&ペーパーバック |
Notting Hill: Music From The Motion Picture [Soundtrack] [from US] [Import]
¥1,914 (税込)
1. No Matter What - Boyzone
2. You've Got A Way - Shania Twain (Notting Hill remix)
3. I Do (Cherish You) - 98 Degrees
4. She - Elvis Costello
5. Ain't No Sunshine - Bill Withers
6. How Can You Mend A Broken Heart? - Al Green
7. Gimme Some Lovin' - Spencer Davis Group
8. When You Say Nothing At All - Ronan Keating
9. Ain't No Sunshine - Lighthouse Family (bonus track)
10. From The Heart - Another Level (bonus track)
11. Everything About You - Steve Poltz (remix, bonus track)
12. Will And Anna - Trevor Jones (Score)
13. Notting Hill - Trevor Jones (Score)
Notting Hill [Soundtrack] [from UK] [Import]
¥3,001 (税込)
1. From The Heart
2. When You Say Nothing At All
3. She
4. How Can You Mend A Broken Heart
5. In Our Lifetime
6. I Do (Cherish You)
7. Born to Cry
8. Ain't No Sunshine
9. You've Got A Way (Notting Hill Remix)
10. Gimme Some Lovin'
11. Will And Anna (Score)
12. Notting Hill (Score)
13. Ain't No Sunshine
ノッティングヒルの恋人 オリジナル・サウンドトラック [Limited Edition] 日本盤
¥1,470 (税込)
1. SHE(エルヴィス・コステロ)
2. ユーヴ・ガット・ア・ウェイ(ノッティングヒル・ミックス)(シャナイア・トゥエイン)
3. アイ・ドゥ(チェリッシュ・ユー)(98°)
4. 消えゆく太陽(ビル・ウィザース)
5. 傷心の日々(アル・グリーン)
6. イン・アワ・ライフタイム(TEXAS)
7. ギミー・サム・ラヴィン(スペンサー・デイヴィス・グループ)
8. 愛は沈黙の中に(ホエン・ユー・セー・ナッシング・アット・オール)(ローナン・キーティング)
9. 消えゆく太陽(ライトハウス・ファミリー)
10. フロム・ザ・ハート(アナザー・レヴェル)
11. エヴリシング・アバウト・ユー(スティーヴ・ポルツ)
12. ウィル・アンド・アナ(スコア)(トレヴァー・ジョーンズ)
13. ノッティング・ヒル(スコア)(トレヴァー・ジョーンズ)
14. ボーン・トゥ・クライ(パルプ)
15. フィルス&ドリームス(スウィング・アウト・シスター)