◎Professionally speaking, I was the go-to girl in a dead-end job.
adj. Being a player on an athletic team who is relied upon to
make important plays, especially in clutch situations: the
team's go-to receiver.
◎I mean, you can only work your way up for so long, right?
■work one's way up
◎I'm here because my woman's getting a hot hoochie-mama makeover.
■hoochy mama
・She looks like a hoochy mama with her tight little shirts.
■Urban Dictionary hoochie mama
・The new CEO was showered with praises for the successful makeover of the company. 新 CEO は会社の改革を成功させたことで、大いに称賛された。
【解説】makeover とは、元来は髪型を変えたり化粧をしたりして外見を変える「大変身」のことを指す。時事英語ではこれが転じて企業や政府組織の「大改造」や「改革」の意味で使われるようになった。美容関連の語ではほかに、facelift(顔のしわ取り、美容整形)が時事英語で「変革、改装、模様替え」として使われることがある。
◎There is some kind of critter under the table.
It's either a rat...
◆【語源】16〜17世紀の creature の発音に由来する。
◎Give me drama, pathos, life unfolding.
◎Regurgitate something fresh.
【変化】《動》regurgitates | regurgitating | regurgitated、【分節】re・gur・gi・tate
◎"Little Black Books."
■Little black book
a type of address book containing contact information for
dating or sexual encounters
◎We're beginning sweeps now, so things are in the can.
■in the can
・Another three days of editing, and we'll have the movie in the can.