*** Windows Media Player によるMIDI再生 ***

2007/11/10 新規

bad trip

作詞・作曲:鬼束ちひろ 編曲:小林武史

I don't like what I can see
It's far from high
I don't like what I can expect
It's a boring try
Your reverberation wavers slowly to and flo
It looks like a bad trip to me

As I got force gracefully
The Sun got melt
As lies got worthless gently
All words got burst
Your red vibration reaches into my castle
It looks like a bad trip to me

Love is strange
Cause we swim and drown and rise inside
Love is strange
Cause we move and do, move and do, move and do

I don't like what I can see
It's far from high
I don't like what I can expect
It's a boring try
One sweetest fusion comes up slowly after all
It looks like a bad trip to me

When you'll let me do what I want to
I may be alone
may be bad trip
bad trip

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