in the mixing room on 26th, Aug, 2000

ASLAN finished all of the process of the studio recordngs !!

In the sound room, 5th, Aug

In the mixing room, 5th, Aug

In the sound room, 6th, Aug

In the mixing room, 6th, Aug

In the mixing room, 19th, Aug

Mr.Sakuma, the cheef engineer, who was the engineer of the live recording
of Pink Floyd far east tour, tried to make the master tape which ASLAN
ordered as they wanted to get closer to yes materials in 1970's was kindly
to ASLAN. He kept on controling 32 tracks while ASLAN recorded.

ASLAN and Shoji were so tired that Kenji and Shoji were sleepy
because the process of mixdown was very hard work for them

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