tribute to CLOSE TO THE EDGE

表ジャケット          裏ジャケット
1-Close to the Edge
(1)The Solid Time of Change
(2)Total Mass Retain
(3)I Get up, I Get Down
(4)Seasons of Man
2-And You And I
(1)Cord of Life
(3)The Preacher,The Teacher

3-Siberian Khatru

and, 2 bonus tracks

There are many different ways to pay homage to your greatest musical influence. Most fans are content to listen to that artist's albums, see an occasional show, perhaps turn a friend on to them, and take pride in the knowledge that they are onto something special. For they have discovered something that has made a positive impact on their lives, and that's worth sharing. For the members of Aslan, that influence is Yes, and with their debut studio CD, they pay tribute to them in the most personal and elaborate way of all.

Aslan are not only life-long fans, but musicians in their own right. They understand the language of music - a universal language that transcends borders and cultures. Aslan has the talent to unweave the complex and mysterious tapestry of sound, and tie it back together again. More importantly, they clearly possess an inner passion for the music. They do not merely reproduce it, but rather, give it a personal, heartfelt touch. Aslan captures the spirit of Yes, and infuses just enough of their own personalities to make it their own. The result is a joyous celebration that does the music justice.

Above all else, Aslan is a fun experience for any Yes fan. With their debut CD, they take on the ultimate Yes masterpiece, Close To The Edge, most successfully. If those songs show their considerable musical ability, then it is the bonus tracks where they really earn the title of "fan." Not to spoil the surprise, let's just say it makes for a great listen. Yes fans are bound to enjoy this refreshing interpretation of the music that unites us all around the world.
Glenn Gottlieb / Yes Magazine


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