
Why do many people hate the United States? (五枚中四枚目)


4.     conclusion

4.1     Conclusion of this study

The States has the strongest power in the world in many aspects, economy, politics, and military. For these superiorities, Americans have drop into the idea that they are always right. This idea seems to make them lofty.

4.2     Why do many people hate the States, then?

Judging from these arguments, the States seems to be too independent from other countries, and be now going its way regardless of what other countries suppose. Though the US is the ‘nation of liberty’, in international scenes, it appears to be an autocrat. If a nation annoys the States, the nation would be punished by the United States.

That is to say, one of the greatest reasons for why many people hate the States is that the US has too strong a power, and that accordingly it acts very self-righteously. Although USA has the strongest power in the world, it is weaker than the Americans suppose it to be. They are overestimating themselves so much that they ignore the suggestions of other countries, and then they have become obnoxious to other countries.

4.3     Which way should the USA take?

To put it simply, US should be aware of the fact that the US is a member of the world community. There are two points. Firstly, they should listen to the opinions of other countries. They seem to tend to believe that they are always right, but off course it is impossible to be always righteous. Therefore US should attend to many points of view in order to be more persuasive. Secondly, they should respect the UN more. A well-ordered world must have a council that pulls together the members, and each member must respect the council. In this world the UN is the most canonical institution, each countries must respect so as to retain the world-peace. The USA is not the exception. They should rather respect the UN as they have the great influence on the world.

4.4     How about other countries? How about Japan?

Other countries should continue to call for the States to harmonize itself with the international community. Samuel P. Huntington claims that ‘Japan can be an intermediate between Arabic countries and the US, because the Arabic countries don’t have the hostilities to Japan (Asahi 2002, my translation)’. According to his theory, Japan is not in the same civilization as USA’s or the European’s. Thus, he said, Japan can be relatively fair-minded in dealing with the Iraqi problem. Japan should take the initiative in settling the Iraqi dispute.
