漆(うるし)絵は長年の歳月をかけ、当社独自の企画・構成により完成をみました。特殊な合板に漆を塗り込み幾度も磨き出した上に、一点一点丁寧に手描きした新しいタイプの美術品です。国宝級の屏風絵、障壁画、蒔絵、花鳥図、天井画などの名画を、熟練した画家が肉筆で精巧に模写します。 自信を持ってお薦めできる作品です。存在感のある美術品としてご活用下さい。
漆絵(蒔絵) 1
NH30 酒井抱一「桜図」 Cherry blossom by Houitsu Sakai (1761-1828) in Edo Period.
Colors over gold leaf on the lacquered board.
Japanese style lacquer painting with gold leaf reproductions of great master's paintings
Lacquer painting 1
Lacquer can be used together with a variety of other materials such as dyes, mother pearl, egg shell, silver and gold leaf etc. The traditional way of making lacquer paintings is to paint layer upon layer on board in a long and arduous process. However, the most crucial part of the process arises in polishing the painting is to obtain the desired composition and colors. We offer Japanese style lacquer painting reproductions of great master's paintings in Momoyama through Edo Period (1583-1868) in Japan. You can meet wonderful classical Japanese painting reproductions at your home. You can order paintings in any size as your request through e-mail.
NH44 俵屋宗達「風神雷神図」 Fujin-Raijin by Sotatsu Tawaraya (1603-1868) in Edo Period.
Colors over gold leaf on the lacquered board.