(2017/3/13 更新)



ご利用にあたって  リンクとバナーについて  画像の加工について  その他
Before the use  About link and banner  About processing of mages  Other


Even if your website is a site of a profit purpose, can you use the fataNote material?

A. fataNote の素材は、営利・非営利を問わず無償でお使いいただけます。HP作成業者の方も、よろしかったらご利用ください。If you use it in your website, I do not ask you profit / non-profit, and the material of fataNote is free of charge. Furthermore, I recognize even the use of a Web design supplier.

Should you report that you downloaded the
fataNote material to me?

About your having downloaded the fata material, about your having used it in your website and about your having linked,you do not have to report it to me.But if you report it to me, I will visit surely to look at your website (^L ^ )

About sending the fataNote material to same friends with emails

A.本サイトにて利用規約を御理解いただけるように、URLをご案内ください。Please guide them to homepage of this site so that your friends understands a use agreement of the materials.

Q.素材を本サイトのサーバからIMG SRC=タグで呼び出して利用(直リンク)したいのですが?
About using "IMG SRC= tag" in order to call the fataNote materials from a server of this website

A.サーバに負荷がかかり、他の閲覧者の迷惑となりますのでご遠慮下さい。また、素材のアドレスやファイル名は随時変更されますので、ある日突然表示されなくなる恐れがあります。When you do it, load will always depend on this server. Because it is to trouble other visitors, please do not do it.

ご利用にあたって  リンクとバナーについて  画像の加工について  その他  BACK
Before the use  About link and banner  About processing of mages  Other


Should you link your website and my homepage?

Link is not compulsion. if you link your website and my homepage, I am very glad.
Please select a banner which you like among
here, and use it in order to link.

my banner does not match your HP, can you design another banner for my homepage or link only with a text?

A.当サイトへのリンクはテキストのみでも結構です。Link is OK with text only.

About using the fataNote materials, when you make a banner of HP of yourself

When you used the fata materials for a banner of your homepage, I recognize its distribution.

ご利用にあたって  リンクとバナーについて  画像の加工について  その他  BACK
Before the use  About link and banner  About processing of mages  Other


About processing the fataNote materials and wants to use it in your website...

A.どうぞご自由に加工してお使い下さい。ただし、ご自分の作品としての配付は御遠慮ください。It is OK. However, please do not distribute it as your work.

About using the fataNote material so that you draw CG illustrations to show it in your website


Although it is OK, please do not distribute it as homepage material.

Q. 素材を使用して開発したフリーソフトを配布したい
About distributing free software developed using the fataNote material

Q. フリー素材を使用したMMDモデルを、他のMMD利用者と共用してもいい?
About sharng your MMD models created using the fataNote material with other yusers


As a special rule, you will allow distribution of my materials in bundled form. In that case, there is no report or copyright notice necessary.

About using the fataNote material for publication

You can utilize free the material of fataNote for publication. You can process them freely, and can profit from the publication without the payment to me.
Ask me with email about bigger image. However, please agree that data of big size don't exist in some CG images.

Is it forgiven that you make logotype marks of your company and group by the fataNote material?

A.どうぞご自由にお使い下さい。時々「御礼がしたい」とメールをいただきますが、どうかお気遣いなきようお願いいたします。 Please use freely. You can process them freely, and can profit from publication without the payment to me.

Can you use these material as image of any distribution software, CGI and Flash animathin?

A.必ず事前にご連絡下さい。公序良俗に反していない作品で、著作権表記のお約束があれば、無償で許可いたします。I forbid use without permission. If you need, please inform me beforehand by all means. Even if the software is free or share, I will give you permission free of charge if your software includes good sense and if you promise copyright notation in the inside of it.

About using other images except the fataNote material in this website

A.当サイトおよび関連サイトにあるフリー素材以外の画像(タイトルロゴ、自画像、写真、イラストなど)の二次使用は著作権侵害となり、また混乱と誤解を招きますので、くれぐれもご利用になりませんようお願いいたします。 It is piracy to use images except the web material of fataNote, on this website and other websites by fata. And the act causes confusion and misunderstanding. Therefore please do not download other images except the web material of fataNote.

ご利用にあたって  リンクとバナーについて  画像の加工について  その他  BACK
Before the use  About link and banner  About processing of mages  Other


About ordering the image which you buy from me

I am sorry, I receive no order.

Can you order to make the existing material with different colors and sizes?

With email, request the color variation that you need.

Does this website conflict with a GIF problem and copyright problem?

A.当サイトでフリー素材として提供する画像は、GIF問題・著作権侵害の心配なくご利用いただけます。管理人は Adobe Photoshop の正規ユーザーです。また、写真とイラストは管理人の手による物で、著作権法に抵触する物はございません。
I as the manager of this website is a regular user of Adbe Photoshop.And the illustrations and the photographs carried on this site were made entirely by me.The web material conflicting with Copyright Act do not exist on this site.

このサイトに関するお問い合わせは メールにてどうぞ。
If there was a question other than these, ask me by mail me.