■カラークリスタル Color Crystals for Dragon

If you can use image editing software, as for you, a part of a circle floating midmost
of two dragons can compose your favorite crystal glass ball of a color.
If you do it so, these change in a title base of a more luxurious atmosphere.

For Dragon of 300 pix wide
16x16 pix (1KB)


For Dragon of 400 pix wide
20x20 pix (1KB)


For Dragon of 500 pix wide
27x27 pix (1KB)


All the icons of title bases and crystal glass balls of dragons are GIF images. When you process these images, you have to convert these images into RGB color mode from index color mode. In addition, with a tool, you have to print scenery of each image transparently.
Please refer to instructions of image editing software on hand.