モノトーンの額縁 TableMaterial of Monotone <1>

This is a frame of the monotone that consisted of a geometry design.

ここに文章や画像を入れる Put text or image here.

<TD><IMG SRC="image/Mono01_CTL.gif"></TD>
<TD BACKGROUND="image/Mono01_T.gif"><TABLE WIDTH="★">
<TD><IMG SRC="image/Mono01_CTR.gif"></TD>
<TD BACKGROUND="image/Mono01_L.gif"><TABLE HEIGHT="★">
<TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">

ここに文章や画像を入れる Put text or image here.</TD>

<TD BACKGROUND="image/Mono01_R.gif"></TD>
<TD><IMG SRC="image/Mono01_CBL.gif"></TD>
<TD BACKGROUND="image/Mono01_B.gif"></TD>
<TD><IMG SRC="image/Mono01_CBR.gif"></TD>

ディレクトリ構成 Directory constitution

任意のフォルダ An arbitrary folder
 ┣ html ファイル
html file

 ┗ imageフォルダ
image folder
Image files are housed in this folder)

Add 10 to a multiple of 20, and put the numerical value to the ★ part.

Put numerical value of overall width -100 of the frame in ■ part.
(100 is width of images of both corners.)

On ◆ part, put numerical value of a blank of the table in the cell of the center.
When a cell of the middle does not need a blank, omit a blue character part.

Knowledge of HTML is necessary to utilize the table material. I am sorry, but there is not a support about usage of this material.


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