After you finished all text and
image composing, open desired font sample page by Navigator. (This step
may not needed if you previously used the fonts and they are cashed in
your HD) For example, this document font is
Calligraphic 421, and sample page is
If you want to view all available fonts, try,
but this page may requires long time to browse the whole document. And
font samples are limited to characters used in font names, so it is recommended
to open individual sample page, else
you will find many rectangles in your document during composing.
The sample page contains LINK and FONT
FACE information. First, copy LINK information. Example: <LINK REL=FONTDEF
Back to composing window, move cursor
to upper left corner (or Ctrl+Home). Select Insert | HTML tag, right click
in the box, paste LINK inf. Now the tricky part. After "...pfr"
add a space and type NOSAVE. Example: <LINK
REL=FONTDEF SRC=".../Calligraph421.pfr"
NOSAVE> This option may require upper case, but even if you type in lower
cases, composer will correct them. If you forget adding NOSAVE, mail composer
will download .pfr file
and include it in your mail just like
images. Click OK.
Now you can see an yellow tag appear,
go back to the sample page. Copy FONT FACE inf. Example: <FONT FACE="Calligraph421
BT"> Insert | HTML tag again, paste this in the box . Click OK, and you
can see second
yellow tag.
Move the cursor to the end of the document
(or Ctrl+End). Insert | HTML tag again, type </FONT> in the box. Click
OK, now you can see another yellow tag which is a different shape.
The above steps can be performed by using Tools | Edit HTML. (NC 4.5 PR2 or below may require installing Composer plugin to do so.)
If you are composing online, you may see
the fonts are changing after you click Save button. But there may be many
rectangles. If they are in the position of periods, commas, or other characters
except alphabet, just ignore. They should be expressed normally after you
post the document to the server.
Sometimes composing window turns to white
out, don't panic. You can confirm that your document is not disappeared
by View | Page Source.
Joji Ikeda