How to install:
Download from here. (9.6KB)
Save this file to any directory you can remember. Close NC. Virus check
if you like. You'll get cpmarq3.jar after unzip. Move or copy it to your
NC's .../program/plugins folder. Restart NC.
How to use:
Part 1: single text/image
After install, you will get Tools | Moving Layers | Single Marquee.
selecting (highlight) the desired texts/image, select this tool. It should
bring up an input dialog window. Select the scrolling direction, speed,
and on/off the anchor. Press OK. Layer tags and JavaScript
will be automatically added. Check the results in your drafts folder after
If you want to make a long texts as a one line marquee, try using "nonbreaking" (Format | Style. Or right click | Character properties | Style)
Example and JavaScript is here.
Important note: if you want to change the settings after using
this tool, redo after removing all 3 tags (ilayer, /ilayer, and JavaScript),
else you'll got 6 tags. <G> And don't forget to uncheck the anchor.
Two or more marquees is not supported.
"Add Anchor by period" option:
Selecting this will add these tags.
<div align=right>.</div>
A right aligned charactor (period) is needed to scrolling the whole
message width, especially when your text line is shorter than page width.
Color setting is not supported, so if you want to hide the period,
set color as the same as backgrond color manually .
Part 2: top border (repeating images)
This trick was developped to make a moving top border on the message,
so it is named as top border marquee. Actually, it can be used in the middle
of the message.
Example and JavaScript is here.
After install, you will get Tools | Moving Layers | Top Border Marquee. After selecting (highlight) the desired image, select this tool. It should bring up an input dialog window. Select the scrolling direction, speed, and on/off the anchor. Press OK. Image should be converted to table background. And layer tags and JavaScript will be automatically added. Check the results in your drafts folder after saving.
Important note: if you want to change the settings after using
this tool, redo after removing all 3 tags (ilayer, /ilayer, and JavaScript)
and table. In other words, redo from the scratch. And don't forget
to uncheck the anchor.
Two or more marquees is not supported.
Also note that this will add two anchors by period. One for table background image, and one for moving layer. You can remove the latter unchecking "Add Anchor by period" option. But can't remove the period inside the table by the settings of the dialog window. You have three options to manage it.
Scrolling speed may differ according to your image width. If it can
be divided by 10 (for example, 300 or 310), speed may be faster than others.
If it is too fast, I can slow down in the next release.
Go to Moving layers 2 : Drifter.