Expected working environment: all Communicator, all platform.
How to install:
Download cpsnip1.zip from here. (4.2KB)
Save this file to any directory you can remember. Close NC. Virus check
if you like. You'll get cpsnip1.jar after unzip. Move or copy it to your
NC's .../program/plugins folder. Restart NC.
How to use:
1. Super snipper (©John P McWilliams)
After install, you will get Tools | Remove | All but text.
Selecting this will remove the following tags and contents all at once.
The rest two are modification of Remove All.
2. JavaScript and layer snipper
Tools | Remove | JavaScript and Layer. Snips script and
layer/ilayer only. Might be useful redo composing a moving layer trick.
Note that it does not remove table, which is used on top border marquee.
3. Multimedia snipper
Tools | Remove | Multimedia contents. Snips Multimedia
contents (Embed, Object, Bgsound) only.