Talking about all sorts of things.

TITLE: The observation of the moving of the Hale-Bopp comet is done.

        Apl. 1997
        Written by Yukio Fukushima
        Translated by Snowman Happyisland
        Edited by Victor Acosta & Tony Martin
I found out about the Hale-Bopp Comet in the newspaper in March, 1997 and
I hoped to see it. The best time to see it was said to be for a week beginning
on April 7th. I missed my chance to see it during this time due to rain.

However, the unexpected chance arrived. I encountered it suddenly the night of
April 16th ( Wed.), by air on JAL flight 372(19:30 to Fukuoka).
I took the airplane for Tokyo and I saw it from the window.

I was impressed with the sight of it,because I was viewing it from the cockpit,
10,000 m up in sky.

I was invited to the cockpit by the flight attendant, and the pilot and copilot
politely greeted me. I sat behind the pilot, and the flight attendant sat
just next to me waiting. I observed the comet with interest.

The view was wonderful, and the comet didn't seem to be of this world.

I saw very clearly the 3 stars which are on Mohri's family crest which was
introduced by the NHK's big drama. It was the same sky that I had seen in my
child hood.

In the dark sky, the comet " Hale-Bopp " seemed to pull a thin light tail
gehind its nucleus.

The nuclear part seemed to separate from the tail and shine.It did not have much
of a band as seen in a photograph.The outer coating seemed to be dancing in the
wind around the side of the celestial maiden, followed by the big thin tail.

Seeing the comet from the cockpit was an experience I will never forget. I was
very lucky to have had the chance and it was very exciting.

Good Luck!!!
