Things that I know.

TITLE: Why are leaves green?

    12th Dec. 1996
    Written by Yukio Fukushima
    Translated by Snowman Happyisland
    Edited by Nadia McKechnie


Q: I wonder why plant's leaves are almost always green?

A: Of course there are some plants in the tropics that have yellow or red leaves, but I will tell you about them later.
All around you, plants have only green leaves. Plants with green leaves can get the most energy. Solar energy is heat energy and solar energy gives off red rays.

Q: What colour can absorb the most red rays?

A: It is green which is the opposite of red which can absorb the most red rays.
Colours reflect themselves, so the same colour cannot absorb itself. Please look at this negative colour film.
This picture is made up of negative colours. Red is green and green is red.
This is proof that green is the negative colour of red.

Q: Then. Why are plant's leaves not black?

A: If plant's leaves were black, they woud absorb all rays and absorb poison-rays such as ultra violet rays, and they would die.
Therefore plant's leaves are green.

Q: Then why are there plants with yellow or red leaves in the tropical zone?

A: In the tropical zone, all plants get too much energy.
The plants obtain a little energy through yellow or red leaves like a camera's eye lense.
Accordingly, If plants which have yellow or red leaves move from the tropics to Japan, in a green house,the leaves would turn to green after a few years as the plant cannot get as much energy from yellow or red leaves as from green.
This is true.