Heinrich Adolf Gottron (1890-1974) は、German dermatologistで、以下の命名に関与
詳細は、http://www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/361.html へ
Associated eponyms:
Arndt-Gottron syndrome
A fibromucinous tissue disease that usually appears in 3rd to 5th decades.
Gottron's papules
Eruption of scaling pink to dark red papules over knuckles, elbows, and knees
in dermatomyositis.
Gottron's sign
A disturbance of connective tissue affecting prevalent distal extremities.
Gottron's syndrome
A familial form of progeria in which the premature aging of the skin and growth
retardation are restricted to the hands and feet.
[2002年6月1日 11時52分56秒]