"KAKUDER"  a new tool for stained glass lamp making  

A new powerful tool for making multangular lamps, terrariums, and kaleidoscopes has just come.

This was developed by RUOKOBO through its experiences.(patent, design registered)

「KAKUDER」    an angle keeper for soldering with an angle table

●Haven't you ever wanted a tool which keeps glass pieces at any angle you desire, when you solder multanguler lamps?

●But, even if you can get such a tool, how can you know the right angle for a tapered lamp? For example, the right angle for a sexangular straight-shaped lamp is 120 degrees, but it is larger for a sexangular tapered lamp. You cannot know the right angle in this case.

●"KAKUDER" solves this problem. From both the under corner angle of a glass piece, expressing the degree of taper, and the number of corner of a lamp, the right angles between glass pieces are calculated by trigonometrical function and tabled. If you get the right angle, you may only fix the angle by a screw and begin soldering.

●Off course, you can use this as an angle keeper without seeing the angle table.

How to use KAKUDER

In the case of making a hexagon lamp as an example.
First, measure the under corner angle A of a glass piece by a protractor. You can read 75 degrees.

The number of angles of a lamp B is 6. You can read 127 degrees at the crossing of A 75 and B 6 columns.

Fix KAKUDER at 127 degrees by a screw.

Set kakuder at the end of a desk, put two glass pieces wrapped with copper foil on it and solder the pieces fixed side by side by fingers.

Next, set KAKUDER upsidedown and solder the outer side of glasses.

After making three blocks of two glass pieces soldered , gather and solder them totally.
It is better to make blocks 3 to 4 pieces soldered when the number of lamp's angle is large.
You can make the right angle lamp without any difficulty.

It can be used to assemble a kaleidoscope.
To fix mirrors with a certain angle, after filling space of outer side of KAKUDER by taped glasses, set two mirrors on it and glue them by instant adhesive and woods.
It is easy to make a pipe for a kaleidoscope. Solder two pieces by two pieces and assemble them.

Materials  wood, aluminium, brass, stainless steel

Price     ¥4500(excluding tax)

Order is accepted only in Japan