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●The Way of Honmon Butsuryu Shu(HBS)


"Your attitude will influence your health. In addition, it brings about changes in your family affairs and on society. So, let's live our daily life with a true religion "
    (Nissen Shonin's Instruction)

What is Health?

There is no doubt that some of you wish to become healthier. There may be others who pray every morning and night before the altar for the recovery or improvement of their health. What is a healthy condition? According to the World Health Organization. “Health" does not necessarily mean to be free from illness. It is defined as “being satisfied with your work or free from discords with members of the family." And to that end, let's aim to improve our health from a total viewpoint:

Body and Mind as a whole:

The New York University research staff surveyed two thousand workers on their state of mind, health, work conditions and their family situation. The findings revealed the following:

1. People who were susceptible to illness were frequently neurotic, nervous, and melancholic.

2. People who had psychological problems were also prone to physiological illness.

3. People who had physiological problems were prone to injuries and accidents.

4. People who worried over family, work and human relation problems were prone to sickness.

5. People who were considered unfortunate (physical illness, illness of mind, accident, injury, business failure, child problems) had basic similarities.

Mentality of a Person Who Frequently Gets Sick:

What kind of mental attitude influences good health and livelihood? According to the Japan's Health and Welfare and Labor Ministry, approximately 22,000 people of over 60 years of age and about who were surveyed, believed “they were healthy", had longer life expectancies. In short, a positive attitude towards life in general helped to improve one's health and conversely, a negative outlook promoted illnesses. Truly, your state of mind could affect your health. Therefore, it is important to accept things in a positive way and have an optimistic view to life.

Association with Others:

A loner is prone to illness. “Sharing sadness with others will lessen the burden of pain. With two people acting in concert, happiness will become infinite" were the words of Hirabayashi Taeko. People lacking in association with others will amplify their worries and will have difficulty to maintain and improve their health.
Itemized below are basic examples of association:

1. Greet others by name and with a smile.

2. Increase the number of people you meet on a daily basis.

3. Be courteous and say, “thank you".

4. Be happy for other's good fortune.

5. Listen to people's stories until the end.

Lacking a Substantive Life:

A person who leads life without substance (purpose or goals) is believed to be susceptible to illnesses. On the other hand, a person with an encouraging mind and attitude is less likely to get sick easily. What type of worthy life should one have?
A worthy life is when you actively participate in the betterment of oneself and others. By helping others, you will experience fulfillment. If you are someone who says, “I have no such role", go to your nearest temple and ask the Head Priest or priest(s) for assistance. They will provide you with a role within their religious activities.

HBS's Religion is the Path to Improve Health;

HBS's basic principle is the Odaimoku. By chanting the Odaimoku repeatedly you can improve the function of the internal organs, improve blood circulation, and elevate your vitality. An opportunity to listen to HBS instructive sermons (Gohomon) properly is provided at all times. By endeavoring to listen to various “Gohomons" your way of thinking will improve, and you will be able to accept things in a positive manner.
You can affiliate yourself with others by participating in HBS Temple activities and attending “Oko" services.
HBS will provide anyone with an appropriate role that benefits them. If you can find a way to a life of betterment, your soul will become vigorous and your body healthier. Be mindful that chanting the Odaimoku daily is the most desirable method of improving and preserving health.


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