The Author:
Name: Toshiyuki Iwasaki
Birth: 30/03/19??(maybe not young but not old)
Where I Live: Japan
Platform for Creative Work: Macintosh(G4,i-Mac) & PC
Email: n_n___@geocities.co.jp
The Award:
The Grand Prize of the Pixelpalooza2002 3D category.
About icons,pictures and texts:
The icons and pictures are FREEWARE for personal use.
The icons and pictures are Copyrighted by Tosh and Icon products.
All icons are restricted to personal desktop use ONLY. Any other use is strictly prohibited.
All icons (and pictures) MAY NOT BE REDISTRIBUTED, CHAGED, RENAMED,SOLD without express permission from the Author.
By downloading any icons or pictures, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms of use.
I forbid unapproved reproduction and appropriation of all the texts and pictures in this site without Site-Banners(Badges).
About link:
You can freely link to the home page of this site. But any links to the other contents
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