◆TRY IT words/Kazuhiko Terasaki |
The wicked imagination that they always use. The false communication that they always handle. We see through their bad greed with sharp sensitivity even if they use a flattery and will deceive us Time when they show the real intention is time of the fight They who gradually began arrogant behavior need to feel nothing in the tears of people Time when we seem to lose it is time making up our mind to fight *However, we try it. We will be going to keep a love. Now is the time we must not give it up. However, we try it. We will be going to keep a hope. Who will our hearts to be able to control unreasonable. It is cooperation to the evil to remain silent for fear of their counterattack Time when we confront tough evilness with firm courage and to fight *(Repeat) Long time may be need till time to notice that they are really important comes. Meanwhile, we must continue trying it even if we will take time how long. take time how long... take time how long... *(Repeat) |
いつも悪辣な想像をめぐらせ 偽りのコミュニケーションを操る彼らが たとえ甘言を弄して我々をだまそうとしても、 鋭い感性で本当の欲望を見抜く 彼らが本性を見せたときが戦いの時 傍若無人に振る舞いはじめ 人々の涙に感情もない 失いそうな時が戦う決意の時 *とにかくやってみなければ 愛を守りつづけるには 今、あきらめてはならない どうあれやってみなければ 希望を持ち続けるには 誰であろうと、我々の心まで 理不尽に支配することなどできない 逆襲を恐れ沈黙するのは 彼らへの協力となってしまう 揺るぎない勇気で 手ごわい邪悪に立ち向かい戦う時 *(繰り返し) 彼らが本当に大切なことに気づくまでは 長い時間が必要かもしれない その間どれだけかかろうとも、 我々はトライしつづけなければならない どれだけかかろうとも どれだけかかろうとも *(繰り返し) |