tomari's ronbun lists in English
Papers of M. Tomari
1) On the resolution process of normal Gorenstein surface singularities of
multiplicity two with $p_a \leq 1 $
1983 ,Proc. Japan Acad., 59-5 Ser. A (211-213)
2) A geometric characterization of normal two-dimensional singularities
of multiplicity two with $p_a \leq 1 $
1984 Publ. RIMS.Kyoto Univ. vol. 20 (1-20)
3) A $p_g$-formual and elliptic singularities
(Thesis for the doctor degree at Kyoto University)
1985 Publ. RIMS. Kyoto Univ. vol. 21 (297-354)
4) Maximal-ideal-adic filtrations on $R^1\psi_*O_{\tilde{V}}$ for normal
two-dimensional singularities
1986, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics vol. 8 (633-647)
5) On singularities arising from the contractions of the minimal section of a
ruled surface
( with F. Hidaka)
1989, Manuscripta math vol. 65 (329-347)
6) Filtered rings, filtered blowing-ups and normal
two-dimensional singularities with \lq\lq star-shaped \rq\rq resolution
(with Kei-ichi Watanabe)
1989, Publ. RIMS. Kyoto Univ. vol.25 (681-740)
7) On $L^2$-plurigenera of not-log-canonical Gorenstein isolated singularities
( with Kimio Watanabe )
1990, Proc. of the Amer. Math.Soc. vol. 109-4 (931-935)
8) The canonical filtration of higher dimensional purely
elliptic singularity of a special type
1991, Invent. math. vol. 104 (497-520)
9) Normal $Z_r$-graded rings and normal cyclic covers
(with Kei-ichi Watanabe)
1992, Manuscripta math. vol.76 (325-340)
10) The inequality $8p_g < \mu $ for hypersurface two-dimensional
isolated double points
1993, Mathematische Nach. vol. 164 (37-48)
Tomari's homepage (japanease)
An unofficial home page of Departments of Math.