‚PDall of a sudden = suddenly, very quickly
EAll of a sudden, the lights went out. It was very dark.
EAll of a sudden, Harry knew what he had to do.
2Dfall in love = begin to feel love for someone
EThe first time they met, they fell in love with each other.
EIt is wonderful to fall in love.
3Dat first = in the beginning
ESarah didn't like Mike at first, but then she got to know him.
EThe students didn't understand the teacher at first.

@February 14 is a day for people who have fallen in love. On this day, these men and women give gifts amd cards to each other to celebrate Valentine's Day.

At first, February 14 was the old Roman festival, Lupercalia. Then, on February 14, 270 A.D., a man named Valentine was killed by the Romans because of his Chiristian beliefs.

Before Valentine was killed, he fell in love with the daughter of his jailer and would pass notes to her. His final note read, "From your Valentine." Later, February 14 became known as Saint Valentine's Day.

Since then, people in love around the world have given gifts and cards to each other on Saint Valentine's Day. Gloves, chocolates, and evern underwear hae all been popular as gifts.

Valentine cards did not become popular until the 1750s. The first Valentine cards were made by hand. People wrote their own words on the cards, usually a kind or funny message. Cards made by machines became more popular around 1850.

Now, every year around February 14, cards and chocolates fill stores around the world, for all the people who have fallen in love.
Romans the people of the old Roman empire (31 B.C. - 476 A.D.)
jailer a person who guards prisoners and stops them from escaping
Saint a person Christians believe was chosen by God, (e.g., Saint Valentine)


AD‚bircle the letter of the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
1. Mary put on her @@@@@@. because her hands were cold.
a. underwear b. collar c. chocolates d. gloves
2. Irish people @@@@@. Saint Patrick's Day on March 17..
a. believe b. celebrate c. give d. are known as
3. She wasn't home when I phoned, so I left her a @@@@@ .
a. card b. prize c. brain d. message
4. It's bad to laugh at other people's @@@@@ .
a. nests b. beliefs c. jailers d. machines
5. In Japan, there are a lot of @@@@@ . in summer.
a. cards b. messages c. festivals d. celebrates
6. @@@@@ .the lights went out, and someone screamed.
a. Turn out b. Now and then c. All of a sudden d. As soon as
@When two people (1)@@@@@@ , they may give gifts to each other on Valentine's

Day. Long ago, February 14 was called Lupercalia, a Roman (2)@@@@@@ , but now it is

known as Saint Valentine's Day and is (3)@@@@@@ . around the world. On this day in

the past, people often gave a gift such as (4)@@@@@@ to the person they loved, but

now people usually write (5)@@@@@@ in cards.
‚aD‚bomplete the passage with items from the box. One item is extra.
fall in love @@@@gloves @@@@festival @@@@messages @@@@celebrated @@@@beliefs
Valentine's Day
Circle the letter of the best answer.

‚PD@A good title for this rading passage is EEEE








