–Mike Radio@13895kHzA@F@R‚ƒ‚–.@July 20, 2016@F@Re.@2 days(e-mail)@–

–Radio de Blauwe Koe@1629kHz@F@R‚ƒ‚–.@Jan. 11, 2021@F@Re.@9 days(e-mail)@–

–Radio Digital@1670kHz@F@R‚ƒ‚–.@Dec. 23, 2022@F@Re.@4 days(e-mail)@–

–Radio Armada@1673kHz@F@R‚ƒ‚–.@Mar. 29, 2024@F@Re.@3 days(e-mail)@–

Hello Harumasa Yokoi

Thank you for your recordings Mp3 and responses to me Nice ending to my location where you received me in Japan
On the Mp3 I can follow me (slightly) with the headphones on I could hear that that was me The time is also correct that I was working on the frequency 1673 kcSo you will receive a confirmation of receipt from Radio Armada

By the way, did you watch Formula 1 in Japan this morning / afternoon; I am a Formula 1 fan Hopefully you'll hear me again in your location


Jan Willem Radio Armada