- sachiko M "debris " (FMC-016)
- The new CD single of sachiko M ;one of the pioneers in Japan,who has long produced "on-kyo" works.
Recorded 2 tunes in which sign-waves and pick-up microphone are used.
Although sachiko M has been known for I.S.O. and filament series, her numeral works using sign-waves as sampling sources have hardly had a chance to be valued properly.We hope this single CD will bring her�radical attitude in playing music and her miraculous solo playsing into the open ,under proper valuation .
The 3 inch single room CD of sachiko M(sine wave musician). \1,200
- Bidziliba "The Universe of Bidziliba" (FMC-017)
- The 2nd CD album of Bidziliba,a band that has been leading the local avant-guarde-pop music scene since they released their 1st in 1995.
With the sensuous sound of the vibraphone, you'd be irresistibly enchanted by a ballad-like tune, or, let another pop tune take you to that odd world of Recommended label while the next one reaches your ears as an emotional folk song.
Marvel at their expressive work and techniques that allow complicated tunes full of tangled beat and notes to flow lightly.
- "PIDGIN COMBO" finally sees the light--over a decade after they played!!
�What's "PIDGIN COMBO"??
It's a legendary sextet organized by Ohkuma Wataru, who now leads"CICALA-MVTA" and is also known for his wonderful performances in"Soul Flower Union" as a guest.
He organized the group, inviting the following two as the front musicians; Tom Cora (1953-1997)---one of the pioneers in the history of cello music who revolutionized it with his performances in "Third Person", "Skeleton Crew"etc.. He paid frequent visits to Japan on tour.
Shinoda Masami (1958-1992)---a Saxophone player who was loved by many for his performances in bands such as"Compostella","JAGATARA" etc.. and the following three as supporting musicians; Rorie---from"Lunapark Ensemble" (Ohkuma was also a member of this band.)
Kimura Shinya---also from "Lunapark Ensemble",who later played in "hebo-sizinn no hatimutusyu"
Nishimura Takuya---from "Che-SIZU" Although they had only two occasions to play ---live performances in '88 and '89---when Tom came to Japan, these two shows drew a large attention not as mere sessions, but as events where each player brought his own style & material and developed them, influenced and inspired one another. The tunes within this disc were originally recorded at those two live concerts.
Please don't get disappointed because it's a "live-recording". The contents are full of charm---not to mention original tunes, you may enjoy the unpublished versions of a piece composed by Tom in collaboration with Lars Hollmer of "ZAMLA MAMMAZ MANNA" and a piece by"CURLEW",a band that was known to be a major figure in New York's Post-Jazz scene as well.
---We proudly want to call these shows "historical " performances today.
Listen to the still lyricism infused by complicated rhythm patterns. Marvel at the flexibility concerning the relation between orchestration and improvisation.
No wonder the shows must have "sparked" off 「Compostella」 by Shinoda and "CICALA-MVTA" Ohkuma followed later on.
The vivid exchanges between Tom and Shinoda are the precious record of the time when the two met at the zenith of their musical talent and, to our grief, such moments are not to be realized again.
PIDJIN COMBO also provided the musicians and audience with "the first contact" with Klezmar music, which had not been introduced to the public before then. Or, "Lunapark Ensemble" fans will be thrilled to find "Do-do Dori---" in the credits. Being one of their later representative works, the tune has missed chance to be released up to now.
We took such sensitive and delicate care in editing and mastering the source material. Our aim was to produce a disk which was not merely a recording of their live performances, but ---as we are confident in the result--- was a master work of art that could be listened to over and over again.
Tom Cora(Cello) and a combined group with Japanese.
The legendary collaboration of Tom Cora & Lunapark Ensemble.
Including brilliant interplay of Tom (1953~1998) & M.Shinoda(1958~1992) \2,500
- Drillman"RICA-ON" (FMC-019)
A 3rd album of a group of FMC-013. \2,000
- Willkinson Brothers"People from the continent"(FMC-020)
A 2nd album of the group of FMC-014.