
チャームド2 魔女三姉妹
Charmed Season 2 Episode 201 Witch Trial
放送:平成14年4月3日(水)NHK BS−11

Phoebe: Wait, you guys. Don’t you even know what tomorrow is? It’s our one year anniversary of becoming witches. Hello?

Piper: Tomorrow is? Really?

Prue: So...

Phoebe: So? So? It’s a day to celebrate. And not just because it’s our anniversary but because it falls on one of the most powerful wiccan days of the year. The autumnal equinox. Now, according to this witch that I met today at bookstore...

Wic・ca /
n 魔術[妖術]崇拝.
Wiccan a, n

Phoebe: That’s what the Book of Shadows says. Fight it with The Power of One. That’s gotta mean your power. It’s the strongest.

Prue: Says who?

Phoebe:Says every demon or warlock we’ve ever gone up against.


beldam●beldame●bruja●carline●enchantress●hellcat●hellhag●hex●lamia●night hag●pythoness●sibyl●white witch●wisewoman●witch

Circe〔自分の島に来た、オデッセウスOdysseus・の部下を豚に変えた。ヘロイスの娘。〕●Magi●Medea〔コルキスの王アイエテスの娘。イアソンが金の羊毛を探しに行くのを助ける。Jasonがコリントの王女クレウサを好きになるとCreusaを殺害。〕●charmer●conjure man●conjurer●enchanter●mage●magi●magician●sorcerer●sorceress●warlock●wise man●witch doctor●wizard

Dan:I’m sorry. We’re moving in next door. Or at least we’re trying to. Our phone’s not hooked up yet.

Phoebe: So, you’re our new neighbours?

hook up

Phoebe:So, you’re our new neighbours?

Dan: Name’s Dan. Uh, Dan Gordon.

Jenny: (on phone) I don’t care if the circuits are busy. I have to talk to my mum.

Dan: And that’s my niece Jenny. Who’s obviously not talking to me. Jenny, sweetie, come on.

(Jenny hangs up and storms outside.)

circuit /
1 一周すること, 巡回; 回遊旅行; 迂回.
・make a circuit of… …を一周する[巡回する].
・a circuit drive [blow, clout, wallop] 《俗》 本塁打.
2a 巡回路; 迂回路; 周囲; 囲まれた地域, 範囲.
b 自動車レースの走路, サーキット; 【電・電子工】 回路, 回線 (cf. →SHORT CIRCUIT).
・break [open] the circuit 回路を開く.
・close [make] the circuit 回路を閉じる.
3 巡回裁判(区); 巡回弁護士会(の弁護士); 《説教師の》巡回教区.
・go on circuit 巡回裁判をする.
・ride the circuit 〈判事・牧師が〉巡回する.
4 《野球・フットボールなどの》連盟, リーグ; 《劇場・映画館などの》興行系列, チェーン; 【スポ】 巡回トーナメント, [the 〜] 巡回トーナメント参加選手; 一連の会合[パーティー].

Dan: I’m sorry. It’s nice meeting you.

Phoebe: You too. (Dan leaves.) I saw him first!

Piper:Demons now, drooling later.

【変化】《動》drools | drooling | drooled、

Phoebe:Oh, wait a minute. The scariest demon we’ve ever run across opens up some portal in our attic, and steals the Book of Shadows and you want to go into the office?

【名-2】《イ》ポータル◆【同】portal site

Piper: What are we doing here?

Phoebe:Celebrating the Equinox. Can’t you just feel it? The energy in this place? It’s a  convergence.


Prue: Are you okay?

Piper: Physically, yeah. I think my loan’s on shaky ground. I couldn’t exactly tell Rob, "It was just a warlock. Don’t worry about it".

【変化】《形》shakier | shakiest、

Piper: Kit’s collar?

Phoebe: No, the triquetra. The symbol of the Power of Three. Our symbol. Maybe that’s what Grams has been trying to tell us.

Piper: Phoebe, you’re rambling.

triquetra /
n (pl -trae /‐tr/, 〜s) 3 つの尖頭[鋭角]を有する図形[装飾], 《特に》 3 つの交差する弧[ループ]でつくられた飾り[図形].


Piper:Well, that’s where our powers come from, isn’t it? Maybe Abraxas it turning it evil somehow.

Phoebe: That would definitely undo our spells. And explain why Jeremy all of a sudden became unvanquished.

Piper: And the Woogyman.


Nicholas:You remember the feeling, don’t you?

(Prue falls to the floor.)

Prue:"Lavender, mimosa, holy thistle, cleanse this evil from our midst scatter..."


Doctor: Well, your blood pressure’s back to normal. So is your temperature, your electrolytes. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were perfectly healthy young woman.


Piper: That was close.

Prue: Too close.

Piper:No, I don’t mean her. I mean you. The paramedics said you almost died.


Phoebe: Or even worse. If Abraxas gets to the first page of the book before we get to him, we’re toast.

Prue: Why?

Phoebe:Because it’s the incantation that gave us our powers, remember? If Abraxas says that backwards too, then we’ll lose them and the book forever.
