
チャームド2 魔女3姉妹
Charmed Season 2 Episode 206 That Old Black Magic
放送:平成14年5月8日(水)NHK BS−11

Guy #1: There. That's gotta be it.

Guy #2:I don't know. It looks kinda small to be a mine shaft doesn't it?

Guy #1: Maybe it was bigger in the 1800's. X marks the spot. Let's check it out.

shaft /
1a 矢柄(やがら), 矢の軸; 《槍の》柄; 《古・文》 矢 (arrow), 槍; 刺すもの, 飛び道具 (missile).
b 酷評, 皮肉, 寸鉄人を刺すようなことば; [Uthe 〜] □《俗》 ひどいめ, 不当な扱い, 冷遇.
・give the shaft ひどいめにあわせる, だます.
・get the shaft ひどいめにあう.
2 稲妻, 一条の光線 (ray).
3a 《ハンマー・おの・ゴルフのクラブなどの》柄, 取っ手, シャフト; [Oshaves /〈pl〉] 《馬車などの》ながえ, 梶棒; 【植】 茎; 幹, 樹幹 (trunk); 燭台の軸; 十字架の支柱; 【鳥】 羽軸; 【解】 骨幹《長い骨の中間部分》; 【機】 軸, 心棒, シャフト; 【建】 柱身, 柱体, 小柱; 煙突の屋上に出た部分; 記念柱[塔], 尖塔; 旗ざお (flagpole); □《卑》 さお (penis); 《俗》 (魅力的な女の)脚.
・a shaft bearing 軸受.
b 【鉱】 立坑; 換気[加熱]用導管; 【建】 エレベーターの通路[垂直空間].
vt …に軸をつける; さおで突く[押す]; 《俗》 ひどいめにあわせる, だます, 食い物にする; 《卑》 〈女〉とセックスをする

Prue:The design of inlaid garnets with pewter and ebony is distinctly eighteenth century European.

Woman: Eighteenth century? I had no idea it was that old.

Prue:The facet cut amber headpiece surrounded by the symbolic snakes suggested that it was an ornamental staff or a ritual wand.

Woman: And I bought it at a flea market for fifteen dollars.




Prue:I'm sorry, who are you?

Jack: Jack Sheridan from Sheridan Internet auctions. If you own it, we can sell it.

Prue:Oh, okay, how nice for you, but this is my appraisal.


Director:Cut. And that's a wrap. Excellent folks. Very entertaining.

Prue: Yeah, for you.

【@】ラップ、【変化】《動》wraps | wrapping | wrapped、
【他動-2】《ショービジネス》(撮影を)終える、完了する◆【同】finish / 【用例・名-2】 That's a wrap. : はい、お疲れ。、おしまいです。◆テレビ番組などの終わりで使われる。 / 【用例・他動-1】 Can you wrap it as a gift? : 《旅行/買物》ギフト用に包んでもらえますか?

Piper:I don't know, an evil witch who gets her jolly's killing good witches? Maybe we should've waited for Prue to get home.

Leo: There's no time.

【@】ジャリ、ジョリー、【変化】《形》jollier | jolliest、【大学入試】

Phoebe:Okay, please tell me we're here because the Chosen One is a big burly football coach.

Leo: No, but he is the seventh son of the seventh son. We've been watching him since he was a young boy.

Piper: Okay, so how old is he now?

Leo: See, over there. (Leo points and you see a teenage boy getting picked on.)

Piper: He's a high school student?

【変化】《形》burlier | burliest、

Phoebe:Doesn't sound like we have much of a choice.

Piper:This is wrong. He should be battling acne at his age, not evil witches.


acne●blackhead●doodad●doohickey●doohicky●doohinky●heat spot●pimple●rosy drop●whelk●zit

Phoebe:But we've learned that you can not fight your destiny. It's like fighting who you are, who you're meant to be.

Leo: And your destiny is to vanquish the evilwitch, Tuatha.

Kyle:I bet one of my brothers put you up to this, right? What, sean? No, no, I bet, I bet it was Ian. I'm always the butt of their jokes.

Phoebe: Kyle, listen.

【@】バット、【変化】《動》butts | butting | butted、

Kyle:I-I was just ...

Leo: Telling your friend goodbye.

Jenny:Fine, I can take a hint. Just tell Piper that my Uncle Dan needs to talk to her okay.

Kyle: Sure.

Jenny: Bye.

take a hint

[Scene: Cave. Tuatha moves a rock and a book is there. She picks it up.]

Tuatha:There you are. (She opens it up and you can see spells written in it. She turns to a spell.) "To disempower a witch." Fresh, human heart.


[Scene: Manor. Attic. Prue, Piper and Phoebe has found a spell in the Book Of Shadows.]

Phoebe:Here it is. A scrying spell.

Piper: Scrying? What's that?


Tuatha:Are you lost?

Guy:Yeah, totally. Just walking around in circles. A couple of friends and me were making a documentary on the Blair Witch.

Blair Witch Project, The

Prue:What do you want and how did you find me?

Jack:I followed your scent. That musk. The Cartier, right? Now, that is a classy perfume, though I’m hardly surprised. Can I have my wand back please? See, Betty never called and I couldn’t contact her because her address mysteriously fell out of my pocket somehow. You wouldn’t know anything about that would you?

Prue:You’re blaming me for something that you lost? Isn’t that a little juvenile? I mean what’s next? A shoving match under the jungle gym or war over juice cups?

【@】セント、【変化】《動》scents | scenting | scented、【大学入試】


Leo:Innocent people are going to die, are you wiling to live with that?

Kyle:No, no, don’t you lay that crap on me.

Leo:Oh, does that make you mad? Good. At least that means finally you’re being a real you.

Kyle:Screw you.

Leo:That’s right, get pissed at me. Show me your anger. Maybe you’ll figure out what you’re really angry about, huh. (He throws him the wand.) You don’t think you’re the chosen one, you think you’re the forgotten one. Sick and tired of it too aren’t you. Well, aren’t you? (Kyle gets mad, the wand glows and Leo flies through the glass window.)

crap on

pissed at, be


Piper:Oh, I’m the snake, but you’re the one who…


【@】スネイク、【変化】《動》snakes | snaking | snaked、

Leo:Really, I’m fine.

Piper:Are you getting even?

Leo:Just finally getting it. What you deserve. A normal life or at least a normal life as you can get, which means a normal relationship, which I can’t give you. I guess we know now why witches and white lighters aren’t supposed to fall in love, huh.

get even

Jack:Come on. Have a drink. You can brag to me how you out-smarted me with the wand. I do like to learn from the best.

Prue:Okay, I’ll brag a little. (She sits down.)


【@】ブラグ、ブラッグ、【変化】《動》brags | bragging | bragged、
【自他動】自慢する、大げさに言い立てる、褒めちぎる、威張る、のろける、ほらを吹く / 【用例・自他動】 I don't want to brag, but ... ; I hate to brag, but ... : 自慢するつもりはないんだけど、自慢じゃないが / Scuba diver always bragging about a big fancy speed boat?. / You know, guys love to get together and talk and brag. / Oh, Helen, don't brag. : 自慢話はやめなさい。 / Quit bragging. : 自慢話はやめなさい。 / I think he was bragging. / Even if that were true, I wouldn't brag. / There he goes bragging again. : またあいつの自慢話が始まった。 / He bragged that he is a jeweler. / They brag most who can do least. : 《諺》一番自慢するのは一番できないもの。