チャームド2 魔女3姉妹
Charmed Season 2 Episode 209 Ms. Hellfire
放送:平成14年5月29日(水)NHK BS−11
Prue:Who else would want to kill us?
Phoebe:Well, you know, you were a little sharp to the mailman yesterday,
we all know how testy they can be.
【@】シャープ、【変化】《形》sharper | sharpest 《複》sharps、【大学入試】
【副】きっかり、ちょうど / 【用例・形-1】 You're sharp! : するどい! / You're sharp at detecting those things. : あなた、そういうところは鋭いね / 【用例・副】 We have a meeting with Mr. Baker at 2:00 P.M. sharp today. : 今日は2時ちょうどにベーカーさんと会うことになっている。◆justを使う場合は、just 2:00 P.M.というように数字の前に付ける。
【変化】《形》testier | testiest、
【形】短気な、怒りっぽい、怒った、憤慨した / 【用例・形】 I tend to get testy. : ぼくはカッとなりやすいたちなんだ。 / I get a little testy when I am so hungry. : 腹が減ると怒りっぽくなるんだ。 / Why so testy, honey? : 何をそんなにかりかりしてるんだ? / No need to get testy. : 怒らなくてもいいじゃないか。
[Scene: Manor. They are looking at all the things that were in the woman’s purse.]
Phoebe:Multiple aliases.
Piper:Foreign currency and throwing stars.
【副】別名は、こと、またの名、偽名、別名、通称名◆ラテン語で at another time, otherwiseの意味
Phoebe:Come on, you don’t even know if we can fly or anything like that?
Darryl:I don’t even wanna know if you own a damn broom, a skillet, a cauldron, a dust buster,
I don’t give a damn.
DJ:How’d you know they weren’t dead?
Barbas:One develops a sixth sense about such things when you’ve been in purgatory for as long as I have. I made a deal. It gives me a twenty-four hour window to break free but you people, you gotta kill those witches if I’m gonna be successful.
DJ:Who are you?
Barbas:A demon. A demon who has the power to turn the innermost fear of a mortal into reality and there’s nothing you can do about it. Want to see? (He passes his hand in front of DJ’s face.) Your greatest fear is that your boss is being doubled crossed and when he finds out he’s gonna kill you for not protecting him. (A pretend Bane appears and starts shooting at DJ. DJ starts yelling. Bane then disappears.) Pretty cool, huh?
Barbos:Doesn’t look much like an explosion victim to me. (DJ shakes his head.)
I think your fears of a double crosser are justified.
double cross
[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Marcy is looking in the cupboard.]
Marcy:Oh my stars!
(Phoebe and Piper walk in.)
Piper:What is it? What’s wrong?
Marcy:You can’t keep wolfsbane and holy thistle on the same shelf. Their harmonics are in complete opposition. I mean I don’t want to second guess a sister witch but this is all wrong. I don’t see how you can cast a spell that’s worth a darn.
Piper:Now wait just a minute,
Prue: Thirteen dead witches by midnight on Friday the thirteenth. Ring any bells?
Piper: Barbas.
Prue: Gotta be.
Phoebe:It can't be. I mean, we eighty-sixed him already.
Prue: He must have found some kind of loop hole. I gotta get back to Bane, try and flush Barbas out.
Piper: Prue, you can't go back there.
【他動】バラす、殺す、消す、削除する、取り除く◆【同】delete, erase, throw away, get rid of / 【用例・他動】 My hard disk is full, so I have to eighty-six some old files to make room for this new software. : ハードディスクが満杯なので、古いファイルを削除して、この新しいソフトをインストールできるだけの空きスペースを確保しなくっちゃ。〔MI〕
eighty‐six, 86→vt.《俗》
n 《食堂》 売切れ, 品切れ; 料理[酒]を出さない客, お断わり客, 泥酔客.
eighty‐six on… …はもうたくさん.
vt 〈客の〉応対を断わる; 追い出す, はねつける; 殺す, バラす, 消す.
[nix1 との押韻俗語]
Phoebe: So, what else did Hellfire get from Bane?
Prue:Diamond necklaces, bracelets, mahogany, a Salvador dolly.
Piper: You can't really keep all that stuff can you?
Prue: No. (Piper shakes her head.) No. It
wouldn't really be right but maybe I can figure out a way to use it for some
good and save my job. And if not, I can always astral project and job hunt twice
as fast.