チャームド2 魔女3姉妹
Charmed Season 2 Episode 210 Heartbreak City
放送:平成14年6月5日(水)NHK BS−11
Max:Did you guys survive Y2K alright?
Cindy:Sure. If you ask me it's all just a bunch of hype.
Max: Exactly.
[Scene: Outside the movie theatre. Prue, Jack, Piper, Dan
and Phoebe walk onto the sidewalk. Prue and Jack are holding hands and Dan has
his arm around Piper.]
Phoebe:Fifth wheel cutting in.
Piper:Oh, would you stop that.
Phoebe:Well, it is a double date.
fifth wheel
Phoebe:I know. It seems to be an epidemic lately. Guys canceling on me.
Piper:You know what happens when they cancel.
Prue:Ooh, back to square one.
Piper:Do not pass go.
Phoebe:And all accrued nookie credits are thrown out.
Jack:There’s a penalty?
Prue, Piper, Phoebe:Oh yeah!
pass go
(困難な仕事を)やり遂げる / 【用例】 I just couldn't pass go.
Piper:Who are you kidding? I heard you sniffle.
Dan:Fighting a cold.
【変化】《動》sniffles | sniffling | sniffled、
Jack:As far as classics go, it was no Dirty Dozen.
Phoebe:I slept through it.
Jack:You slept through Dirty Dozen?
Phoebe:No, Love Story. The last thing I remember is the hockey game.
dirty dozens
Phoebe:Okay, let me guess. Boy meets girl, grim reaper swipes girl, and boy’s left with his hockey skates?
Jack:That’s the
【変化】《動》swipes | swiping | swiped、
Prue:Hey, you’re gonna come get coffee, right?
Phoebe:I’m just gonna get a cab, call it a night. I’m pooped.
Prue:I’m sorry that Kevin backed out on you.
Phoebe:His loss.
Prue:It is so his loss because
you are beautiful, my sister.
back out on
Cupid:I need your help.
(He grabs her.)
Phoebe:Let go of me.
let go of
【3】手放す、あきらめる / 【用例・1】 Let go of my apron. / 【用例・2】 Let go of the fear.
Prue:Cute. Alright, where’s Piper?
Phoebe:Oh, she’s still at Dan’s. Hey, if only I’d bagged Mr. Creepy, we could have scored a Halliwell hat trick last night.
Prue:Don’t be mad.
Phoebe:No, I’m not mad. I’m thrilled for you both. I mean, it’s been a long time. You deserve to be happy.
【@】バッグ、【変化】《動》bags | bagging | bagged、
【他動-5】(本人のいない所で)批判する、陰口を言う / 【用例・名-2】 Golf is my bag. / He's in the opera bag. : 彼はオペラの専門家だ。 / 【用例・名-3】 McGwire was so excited that he missed first base as he rounded the bag and had to return to touch it. :マグワイアは興奮のあまり、ベースを回るとき1塁を踏み忘れ、戻らなければならないほどだった。 / 【用例・他動-1】 You want this bagged? / 【用例・他動-4】 I broke into your house and bagged everything.
Prue: And the bow and arrow?
Cupid:Where's the warty chins, hooked noses and pointy hats?
Prue: Alright, show us something supernatural
Cupid: I don't understand.
Piper:She astral projected.
Phoebe: Did you get him?
astral projection
Cupid: When I drink this, you and your sisters say the magic words and I'm gone.
Phoebe:I can not believe I am stuck here doing the grunt work while they're...
Cupid: Twisting the night away? Don't blame them.
Phoebe: No, I'm not blaming anybody. It's just... I'm here...
grunt work
Phoebe: So, how does this work?
Cupid:It's a travel potion with an aphrodisiac.
Phoebe:Really? An aphrodisiac?
Cupid: Are you afraid of loss?
Phoebe:No, I swear if you barf up, it's better to have loved and loss than never to have loved at all, I might just have to... (She smells the potion.) Mmm, it smells really good.
【自動】吐く、戻す、ゲーゲーやる、文句を言う、エラーメッセージを表示する、チェッと言う、止まる / 【用例・自動】 Stop the bus, or I'll barf in your hat. / We'll just pork up on pizza until we barf. / Well, if you barf, I'm not going to kiss you. / She's going to barf all over the place.
Prue: Oh, Piper, everybody has little secrets including Jack and Dan.
Piper:Yeah, unless they're transvestite, Nazi, war criminals with great face lifts, then I think we've got them beat.
Prue: Okay, so we're never gonna have normal lives.
Piper: Not ever.
【名】服装倒錯者、異性の衣類を身につけたがる人、異性の服装をする人◆【略】TV ; tv
Dan: I figured that. Does it bug you?
Jack:A little, but I'm not gonna give her the third degree about it.
Dan: No, it's like time just stands still for seconds and when it starts up again she's like a total different person.
Jack: Ask her about it.
third degree
Prue: Are you scum?
Piper: No, I’m not scum.
【自動】〜の浮きかすをすくう、かすが浮かぶ / 【用例・名-1】 He makes pond scum look good. : 彼はあまり魅力的でない(面白くない)。 / 【用例・名-2】 Thief who steals from poor people are scum. : 貧しい人々から盗む泥棒は人間の屑だ。