
チャームド2 魔女3姉妹
Charmed Season 2 Episode 212 Awakened
放送:平成14年6月19日(水)NHK BS−11

Phoebe:Hugest thing I’ve done since I came back home. I mean, aside from vanquishing demons and saving the world from evil of course. Okay, so I signed up for two general courses. (Phoebe gets a piece of paper out of her bag and hands it to Piper.)

Piper:And seven electives. Seven, Phoebe?

Phoebe:Alright, so I’m a little confused. I could use some advice. What do you think I should take? (Piper coughs.) Honey, are you okay?

Piper:Yeah, its just a little cough.


Phoebe:Piper, you have got to take care of yourself. You’ve been feeling funky since yesterday.

Piper:It’s probably just a bug.

【@】ファンガス、【変化】《形》funkier | funkiest、
【形-4】臆病な、怖じ気付いた、おびえている、ビクビクの / 【用例・形-2】 It smelled kind of funky in the back seat.

【@】バッグ、バグ、【変化】《動》bugs | bugging | bugged、
【自動-1】素早く立ち去る、ずらかる◆【同】bug out [off]
【他動-1】困らせる、イライラさせる、うるさく悩ます、怒らせる、苦しめる、手こずらせる◆【同】bother ; annoy
【他動-2】盗聴用マイクを付ける、盗聴する◆盗聴用のマイクロフォンは虫(bug)のように小さくて、さりげなく机の脚や引き出しの中、あるいは天井に張り付けられることから。 / 【用例・名-6】 My major is bugs. : 私は細菌学専攻です。 / 【用例・自動-2】 I was buggin' after she went away. / 【用例・他動-1】 She's been bugging me to hurry and marry her. : 彼女が結婚してくれってうるさいんだ。 / 【用例・他動-2】 This room is bugged. : この部屋は盗聴されている。

Phoebe:Look, just because we’re witches, does not mean you’re invincible. Okay, you need to start taking care of yourself.

Piper:Thank you, Doctor.


in・vin・ci・ble /invinsibl/
a 負かしがたい, 無敵の; 克服しがたい.
・invincible ignorance 不可抗的無知《自分ではどうにもならない無知; 特に 神学上の概念に関する知識について》.
-bly adv
〜・ness n
in・vin・ci・bil・i・ty n
[OF<L (vinco to conquer)]
Invincible Armada
[the 〜] 無敵艦隊 (Armada)

Jack: No…Okay, you’ve never thought about me?

Prue:Jack, come on, we don’t have very much time to authenticate this painting

Jack:And I was good wasn’t I? Come on, Prue, I’m not pushing this. I just, I know where you stand, I just wanna know where I stand with you.

【変化】《動》authenticates | authenticating | authenticated、
【動】本物であることを証明[確認]する、信頼できることを証明する、確実にする、確証をたてる、認証する / 【用例・動】 Each lithograph is authenticated by our company. : 各リトグラフは、我が社によって本物であると証明されている。

Piper:Oh, that must have been great for business. So what’s wrong with me?

Prue:Um, they don’t really know. We’re just sort of waiting for blood test results.

Piper:I’m sure it’s nothing too exciting. It’s probably something trendy like mono or Epstein Barr.

Infectious mononucleosis (mono) is often called the kissing disease. The label is only partly true. Kissing can spread the virus that causes the disease, but more commonly coughing, sneezing or sharing a glass or cup transmits mononucleosis. It's not highly contagious.

Mononucleosis is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. Mono usually isn't very serious, although the virus remains in your body for life. Some people with mono have minimal symptoms, and the infection goes unrecognized.

Most people have been exposed to the Epstein-Barr virus by the time they're 35 years old and have built up antibodies. They're immune and won't get it again. Full-blown mono is common in people ages 7 to 35, and the highest incidence is in people between the ages of 15 and 24.

Epstein-Barr Virusについてはこちらを参照:http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/diseases/ebv.htm

Phoebe:But you have in the club. What was the name of that weird fruit?


Dr. Williamson:That’s a possible carrier. Sometimes the fly’s been known to live long enough in the crate to make the trip but rarely survives the quarantine period.

Piper:I think I have a bite on my shoulder.

【@】クレイト、【変化】《動》crates | crating | crated、

Phoebe:I think we should call Leo.


Phoebe:Why not? He can heal you.

Piper:No. He’s out of our lives. He’s not even our white lighter anymore. Besides with Dan in my life.

Phoebe:But if Leo knew you were sick.

A whitelighter protects witches and helps to train future whitelighters. They are immortal and are able to heal people with the touch of their hands. They can also "orb" in and out, suddenly appearing in a flash of white light. But they are not supposed to fall in love with witches a rule that Leo is willing to break for Piper.

(注)Whitelighter というのはチャームド魔女3姉妹にのみ出てくる言葉で、英単語には存在しない造語です。


Phoebe:Okay, but even if there is a spell, how do we get past the personal gain issue, the consequences?

Prue:What consequences? The power of three remains unbroken, innocents are saved. I don’t really see a down side to that, do you?

Phoebe:Prue, if good witches could really vanquish diseases, do you think there’d be one sick person in the world?

Prue:We have to save Piper.

down side

Piper:So can I go home now?

Dr. Williamson:(to the nurses) Draw some blood. I wanna run comparatives.

Nurse:Yes, Doctor.


Phoebe:Okay, but don’t you think we would have seen any consequences by now? It’s been hours.

Prue:Yeah, maybe saving a protector of the innocent isn’t really personal gain.

Piper:Maybe. Like I said, I’m not complaining. I’m just glad you didn’t call Leo. Strange though with all the demons we’ve faced, this bug, this thing was the scariest of them all

personal gain
私利、個人的利益 / 【用例】 Betting and gambling for personal gain is prohibited on COMPANY's premises. : 《就業規則》個人的利益を目的とした賭け事、賭博をCOMPANYの敷地内で行ってはならない。

Reporter:Dr. Williamson, how do you know it’s contained? How can you be sure?

Dr. Williamson:Because we’ve identified the initial carrier.

Reporter #2:Who is it? What’s his name? Is it a patient?

initial carrier

Prue:Did either of you sleep by any chance?

Phoebe:Sleep? Piper was bouncing off the walls last night.

Piper:It’s gotta be a consequence of the awakening spell you guys cast.

bounce off the wall

Dr. Williamson:Sorry to keep you waiting.

Phoebe:What, no mask?

Dr. Williamson:No, I don’t need it. None of us do. However the disease is being spread, it’s not airborne. I just ruled that out.

Piper:Great, then we’re free to go.

Dr. Williamson:Afraid not.


Phoebe:You can’t keep us here.

Dr. Williamson:Actually, I can, by law. Not just because your sister circumvented it by opening the uninspected fruit, but because she‘s carrying a rare disease that has every possibility of spreading to epidemic proportions.

Prue:I thought that you said it wasn’t contagious

【@】サーカムベント、サーカンベント、【変化】《動》circumvents | circumventing | circumvented、