チャームド2 魔女3姉妹
Charmed Season 2 Episode 216 Murphy's Luck (対決!黒の守護者)
放送:平成14年7月17日(水)NHK BS−11
(A photographer shows Mr. Corso a photo.)
Mr. Corso:Okay, lose the kicker, let the shuttle play there. (to Prue) Hmm, impressive.
1a 蹴り手; 蹴るもの, 蹴り癖のある馬; 【ラグビー・サッカーなど】 キッカー.
b 《口》 頑固な反抗[反対]者, 不平家; 脱党者.
2 はね返るもの; 【クリケット】 落ちて高くはね上がったボール.
3 《口》 《ボートに取り付ける着脱式の》船外モーター (outboard motor).
4a 《口》 刺激[力, 喜び]を与えるもの, はずみをつけるもの; 意外な利点; 《俗》 あっと驚く結末, 意外な展開, □思いがけない障害[落とし穴, 不利な契約条項]; □《俗》 《しゃれ・話などの》おち, さわり (punch line); □《俗》 気のきいた返答 (zinger), 鋭い[グサッとくる]一言.
b 余分なもの; 追加料金[手数料].
c 【印・ジャーナリズム】 キッカー《通常の見出しのさらに上部に目につくように組んだ見出し》.
5 歩き始める前にはかせる赤ん坊の靴; □《俗》 《テニスなどの》シューズ.
6 【スキー】 キッカー《aerial 競技で使われる高さ 3m ほどのジャンプ台》.
7 《俗》 《ズボンの》ポケット (kick).
n. 【映】 クロー (=shuttle) 《撮影機・映写機・印刷機などのフィルム送り装置でフィルムのパーフォレーションにかむ爪状の部分》.
[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper’s there writing a letter. Phoebe comes in the back door.]
Phoebe:Hey, I thought you had inventory at the club.
Piper:I do.
Phoebe:So then what are you doing here?
Piper:Trying to figure out what to tell Dan.
Phoebe:About what, honey?
Phoebe:Oh, that. You’re not actually writing him a Dear John letter are you?
Piper:No, of course not. He deserves more than that. A lot more but it’s just hard. I don’t wanna hurt him. Dan’s a great guy and he’s been really good to me and we’ve never really had any huge problems.
●Dear John letter
Dear John
《口》 《兵士などに対する妻からの》離婚要請状; 《女性から婚約者・恋人への》絶縁状; 《一般に》絶交状.
Dear John (letter)
n. 《俗》 相手に性病をうつしたことを告白する手紙.
Maggie:No, no, no. Keep them away from me, they’re safer there. I shouldn’t even be here. I shouldn’t be alive and if it hadn’t have been for that angel.
Morris:Excuse me?
Maggie:She just appeared out of thin air when I was on the rooftop. She reached out her hand and then when I was falling it was like something slowed me down, like she guided me on that awning.
Morris:The angel?
Maggie:Yes, she saved me.
Piper:That can't be right. How many swizzle sticks?
Leo: Who's counting? (Piper looks down at him.) Uh, I don't know, a lot. You think you might of over ordered?
Piper: No, um, they over shipped. (Leo hands her a box of swizzle sticks and the bottom falls out and they land on the floor.) Ohh.
Leo: It's my fault.
●swizzle stick
(Leo holds up the aspirin and when Prue takes it off him, she knocks a box of swizzle sticks on the floor.)
Leo: Uh, don't worry about it. I got it.
Prue:Okay, I'm such a klutz. I can't seem to do anything right all of a sudden. Do you think that that spell backfired on me?
Phoebe: Not possible, no personal gain.