チャームド2 魔女3姉妹
Charmed Season 2 Episode 2.20 Astral Monkey (猿になった3姉妹)
放送:平成14年8月21日(水)NHK BS−11
(Phoebe looks in the bin.)
Phoebe:Here's my Granola. (She pulls out an empty box of Granola.) What's it doing in the trash? I just bought this two days ago. Who eats this besides me?
Piper: Leo, but I'll replace it, I promise.
Dr. Jeffries: What happened to you neck?
Dr. Williamson:Nothing. Listen I need to get a hold of the Halliwell's immediately.
Dr. Jeffries: I told you that project's been terminated. Maybe you should take some time off. You've been under a lot of pressure and I understand your sister's been sick.
●get a hold of
【2】〜を理解する / 【用例・1】 Get a hold of yourself. : (そんなばかなことは)よせ。やめとけ。落ちついて。
Lucy: Bring security, I think I found another tabloid photographer.
Prue: Me? Uh, no, no, no. I am not with a tabloid. (She tips out her purse.) I am with 415. (She finds her pass and shows it to her.) I have an appointment.
Lucy:Sorry. We've just had photographers sneaking in here all week. That's why I'm here. I'm Lucy. Evan's publicist.
Prue: Hi.
Evan: Photography business must be rougher than I thought.
Prue: Only when publicists don't trust temporary ID's.
Evan: Lucy's a really cool person. Newly promoted. Just struggling to control her new power, that's all.
Prue:I can certainly relate to that.
●relate to
〜と付き合う、〜に身近である、〜のことが理解できる、〜に同情する、〜に共感する、〜の気持ちが分かる、〜とうまく折り合う、〜を見て身につまされる / 【用例】 It takes a certain amount of skill to relate to her. : 彼女と付き合うには少々テクニックが要る。、〜と関係を持つ
[Scene: Manor. Piper's room. Phoebe's kneeling down with her head in the closet throwing clothes out on the floor. Leo orbs in and kneels down really close to Phoebe.]
Leo:(thinking it's Piper) Ever done it on a cloud?
Phoebe: I don't know, does a feather bed count?
(Leo quickly stands up.)
Leo: Uh, Phoebe. I thought you were Piper.
Phoebe: Well, it is her room.
●on a cloud
Larry: My wife is dying. She's 33rd on the waiting list, Curtis. She's not gonna live long enough to get a kidney.
Dr. Williamson: There's nothing I can do, Larry. I'm sorry.
Larry:No, no, let me tell you what's sorry, okay. I come here every day and for every minute that I'm with her, some, some scumbag criminal is freed. At least on a technicality. Curtis, listen to me. She is your sister, isn't there anything you can do?
Dr. Williamson:Larry, wait. (He touches Larry's shoulder and has a premonition.) Oh my God. (to the nurse) Get the crash team, get a gurney in here, this man's gonna have a heart attack. (the nurse looks at him) I said the crash team.
Nurse: Yes, sir.
Nurse #2:It was more than a miracle. It was as if he was clairvoyant. He said his brother in-law was going to have a heart attack and ten seconds later he collapsed.
Nurse #3: And he could tell that just by looking at him?
Nurse #2: No, he touched him first.
Phoebe: I'd say premonitions for 500, Alex.
Piper: We're not sure. What happened?
Morris:Some low life named Benny Ritter had a kidney removed, not that he could tell us that, he was found sedated.
Phoebe: Who is he?
Morris: A drug dealer. Busted last week out on a technicality.
【変化】《動》sedates | sedating | sedated、
Piper: Any idea who did it?
Morris:Med-techs said whoever gutted him, stitched him up, left a note, something about internal sutures secure, morphine for the pain.
Prue: He left a note?
Morris: Yeah, we'll definitely be looking for somebody with medical training.
Piper: So what's the bad news?
Leo:Well, simply put, Dr. Williamson is cosmically screwed. He's got your powers in his mortal body. It took generations to prepare you for that, you can handle it, he can't.
Evan: Oh, come on, it'll blow over. You're a normal red blooded American girl with nothing to hide, right?
Prue: Right, but, uh, I can't really do my job with flash bulbs going off in my face every single second.
Evan:You can't fight back. That's like struggling in quicksand. Don't play. Look, whatever energy they're throwing at you just pass right on by. Because eventually that energy comes back around leads to someone else.
Prue: Yeah, uh, okay, I-I-I really appreciate the whole wax on wax off approach but couldn't your people just issue some kind of statement?
Prue: Guys, we need to talk about what we're gonna do.
Piper:What do you mean? I thought we already had a plan, I mean, we have the elixir.
Phoebe: No, not anymore, he trashed it.