
Why do many people hate the United States? (五枚中三枚目)


3.     discussion

3.1     Sketch of my opinion

The USA is seemingly paying little attention to other countries. Although the reason why they want to attack Iraq is understandable, they must consider others more. It seems that they have lost their composure, and so they cannot reckon standpoints of other countries. For example, they have requested Korea to support their military campaign against Iraq. Korea, however, ‘voiced opposition to Washington's request for South Korea to provide support in the event of a U.S.-led military campaign against Iraq (ARABIC NEWS 2002)’. Korea didn’t oppose to the UN-led military campaign, but US-led. It shows that, for other countries than the USA, it is not the best choice to participate in the US-led attack. The US is trying to involve other countries in their campaign. It is expected, however, just a few countries, which need the economic or military support of the States, will accept it.

The States believes that the US-led attack against Iraq is absolutely righteous, and they don’t hear of others’ opinions. Americans regard a disapproval of other countries as just an obstacle, not as an opinion to consider. A newspaper claims that ‘the way French official sniff that America has become a hyper-puissance (loose meaning: overgrown bully) and Russian diplomats echo the sentiment, one might forget the nations are supposed to be allies of the USA, not Saddam Hussein (USA TODAY 2002)’. This argument seems to be pointless, because it admit only two positions; obeying the States absolutely, or cooperating with Iraq, ‘the axis of evil’. It is too extreme an argument.

3.2     Explanation

The USA intends to eliminate the Hussein-Administration, and to democratise it, and they hope to make a new order of the Arabic world. There are, however, some contradictions. Samuel P. Huntington, the professor of international politics at Harvard University who wrote The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, answered the interview by the Asahi ‘I don’t think it is possible to democratise Iraq in the way the chancellor of the American government suppose (Asahi 2002 my translation)’. He claims that the way, which the USA is taking, is too simplistic, and it is also dangerous. To establish a new politic order, it needs to spend a long time in habituating the citizen. It is not desirable to overthrow the regime by force, much less by only a single country, the USA.
