�05/27 �03/14 �02/08
�08/22 �08/20 �08/19 �08/18 �08/17 �08/16 �07/18 �07/12 �06/24 �06/20 �06/09 �06/08 �06/07 �06/05 �05/15 �05/9 �05/01 �04/26 �04/15 �04/12 �04/08 クリップアートに「ガラスの霧吹き<1>」をアップ アイコンに「卵<1>」をアップ �04/08
On 14 Mar. ▲ 2017 ▲ �On 10 Mar.�
The banners ware revised and more one for dark background was added.
The banner-02 was revised.
The Icons of Book<1> and Notebook<1> wsre uploaded afresh. HTML sources of the Table of Triming Lace<1>and Triming Lace<1> are improved.
The Use Agreement and FAQ wsre uploaded.
The TitleBace of Film<1>, <2>, <3>, <4> and Table of Film<1>, <2> wsre uploaded afresh.
On the Other, the Letters on Film<1-Gray> , Film<1-Red> , and the Icon of Film<1-Roses>, Icon of Film<1-Cherry blossoms> ware uploaded afresh.
The Icon of Film<1-Spring Flowers>, ClipArt of Sky<1>, ClipArt of Twilight<1> ware uploaded afresh.
The Icon of Film<1-Fields> was uploaded afresh.
The BG of Film<2>, BG of Sky<1>, BG of Twilight<1>, the Icon of Film<1-Sky> and Icon of Film<1-Twilight> ware uploaded afresh.
The BG of Film<1> and the Line of Film<1> ware uploaded afresh.
The BG of Beads<1> was uploaded afresh.
The email form was installed. The BG ofRingNote(3), (4) was uploaded afresh.
The BG of Snake<1> and Butterfliy<1> were uploaded afresh.
The Icons of Studs<1>, <2>, <3> were uploaded afresh.
The Update histories were uploaded afresh.
The Icons of Raspberry<1> were uploaded afresh.
The BG of Roses<1> , Table of Triming Lace<1>and Icons of Raspberry<1> were uploaded afresh.
The Icons of Rose<16> , Rose<17>, Rose<18> were uploaded afresh.
The Icons of Rose<15> were uploaded afresh.
The Icons of Rose<14> were uploaded afresh.
The Table of Monotone<1> were uploaded afresh.
The Icons of Rose<13> were uploaded afresh.
Essey was installed afresh.
Guest Book was installed afresh.
this website was done renewal of and its title and banners ware changed.
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