【私の趣味】 合気道 Aikido

【Aikido Hatsugeiko】
(The first practice of Aikido)
Ver.1.1 2005/01/23

2005/01/12 Snowman
Last Saturday, I had Aikido Hatsugeiko (The first practice). It was a very cold day. I was chilled to the bone. But After 5 minute of beginning practice I was warmed because of practice.
This year's subject is a progress in "KI" of Aikido. Last year's subject was high techniques of Aikido. My teacher said that he would demonstrate some techniques and we should learn by our self through watching.

On Monday I had the second practice. I watched his demonstration but it was very difficult for me to learn by my self through his demonstrates. But I have to learn the progress in "KI" of the Aikido through watching.

I got the first class of Aikido last November. I aim to pass Aikido Shodan (The first level) this year.
Aikido is very interesting for me.

The some basic points in Aikido are similar to ballroom dancing.
For example, our body balance, our body lead and how we hold our head. We can see some similar points in Taikyokuken, Nihon-buyo (Japanese formal dance) etc.

That's all

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