【私の趣味】 英会話
The weekly report in Nadia English School

Ver.1.1 2003/11/27
Talking about the difference how to wait a red signal.
(The deferent in culture)

2003/11/26 Snowman

Almost all Japanese people obey traffic light.
In the UK and France, it usual for pedestrian to ignore traffic lights. But the pedestrian doesn't cross the road in danger. They cross a road safely after checking no cars. They have culture of taking care of themselves. They don't think that they are good people for only obeying the rule.
A French person must think it is strange to see Japanese people waiting at a red signal when there are no cars.

What do you think about this subject?

When I was in London with my family, I was surprised to see that many people crossed the road at red signal. It was very skillfully that many people cross the road at the same time at the red signal after checking there were no cars. Of Cause, they didn't cross the road when cars were coming.
In Japan, almost all Japanese people don't cross a road at the red signal like my first talk. But a few people cross the road dangerously. Then they say that it is not scary to cross the road at red signal with many people and they cross the road very slowly. I think that this is very bad manner in Japan or they are very foolish. I am ashamed to see it. If a driver run over a foolish man cross the road at the red signal, the driver would be blamed.
I think that it is absurd.

In Europe & the US, they would be to blame. If a man were run over by a car when he crossed the road at a red signal, the law would punish him.

I hope that all Japanese people will become good citizen by keeping their good culture.

That's all.
