【私の趣味】 英会話
The weekly report in Nadia English School

Ver.1.1 2004/01/14
Talking about My Geta for the Aikido practice.
2004/01/14 Snowman
My Geta have one "tooth".
On January 5th Monday, I got Ipponba-Geta for Aikido practice.
Geta is Japanese style footwear. It is made from wood, there are 3 holes on a wooden plate, and 2 laces tie the 3 holes, Geta have 2 "teeth" under the sale usual.
But my Geta are different from the usual Geta. My geta have one "tooth", and it is higher than the usual the Geta.Please look at this photograph.

This is a good for the Aikido practice. Because it is very difficulty. Then we will get good balance to stand on by walking on them.

I ware my Geta for the first time. I walked around on January 9th my town for 20 minutes,They made a lot of noise as clipclop, Everybody looked at me.There wear few passers by a weekday. I was lucky.

Yesterday, I walked around my town for 30 minutes.

That's all.
