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The weekly report in Nadia English School

May the 12st 2004@Snowman
Talking about Azumino-Ginko.

I went to Azumino in Nagano prefecture from 7th to 9th May.
Because I had a HAIKU trip called GINKO in Japanese.

I went to JR Hotaka station by motorcycle and I met my other Haiku friends at the station. Almost all of them were very surprised by my all black clothes my ten-gallon hut, leather jacket, leather pants, and boots. We visited the Daio-wasbi-nojo (Wasabi-field), and the stone monument of the poem "Soshunfu" and I stayed at a B & B.

On the first evening, I had the Haiku making party in the B&B.We were given 4 titles, Smell, Bakansu (Teacher's cottage name), Deep, and Dosojin (Travelers' guardian deity).We had to make 4 Haikus in 20 minutes each other.

2nd day, we went around the Azumino area by bus. We visited Chihiro Iwasaki Museum, the Kuzu spa and the mountain museum. After that, our Haiku teacher invited us to his cottage. His wife served us to the Japanese tea party "Ocha".

After we took arrest, we had the 2nd Haiku making party. We were given 4 titles, Alps, Hotaka, Summer stove and Sky. I was given the Haiku's name "Ku-Go" as Sekka, Sekka is meaning the Snow Drip. I was very happy.

I enjoyed a good trip.

That's all.

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