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The weekly report in Nadia English School

May the 19th 2004@Snowman
Talking about my 2nd daughter's move.

My 2nd daughter "Kanako" moved to an apartment near her company.

So I asked the removal company to move her things last Saturday. It used 2 container called "Moving pack for single person". She doesn't have many things, ex. sleeping mat, desk, small table, refrigerator, wine cooler, and some dishes.

Kanako, my wife and I went to her apartment last Sunday. It takes 5 minutes to her company "Hitachi central laboratory" on foot, and it takes 5 minutes to JR Kokubunji station on foot. The apartment is very convenient for her. It has 1 room (6 mats space), small kitchen, bath room. We can see a quiet residential area and Hitachi woods from there.

30 minutes after we arrived in the apartment, the removal company's truck arrived with her things.

That's all.

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