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The weekly report in Nadia English School

May the 26th 2004@Snowman
Talking about talking with English speakers.

Last Saturday, I went to the Budo-kan to see the 42nd All Japan Aikido Exhibition from 12:30 to 16:30.
We could see a lot of group's Aikido demonstrations.
Our teacher's teacher "The 8th Dan Shihan Takamoto" who comes from Kumamoto city demonstrated with his pupil, our teacher and our teacher's pupil. It was very wonderful. His pupil "Brett Charvat" is 2 m tall, and from Helena Montana USA.

After the Exhibition, we had a party at a Korean bar in Tachikawa with Mr. Takamoto and Brett. Our teacher, Mr.Miyazaki is an English teacher of high school, so he spoke with Brett at first. After some time, I spoke with Brett about Aikido, Japanese and hobbies. He was interested in my motorcycle touring.

After the party, I got on the Chuoh-line train. I joined the young couple. He is from Brisbane Australia.
So he asked me to join him for a drinking pub. I said, so I went to a Japanese style pub with him and his fiance. His fiance is Japanese she used to be a Japanese language teacher in Australia.

We talked about some things, for example, 1st her part time job in Tofuya-ukai when my 2nd daughter used to work, 2nd her pert time job at the Supermarket Sanwa that is very near my home and they lived near my home.
There were some coincidences; we were very surprised about them. We talked a long time from am 0:30 to am 2:30.

I had a lot of chances to speak English that day.
Nadia, Thank you so much for your English speaking lesson that I can speak a little well with foreigners.

That's all.

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