yŽ„‚ฬŽ๏–กz ‰p‰๏˜b
The weekly report in Nadia English School

Jun the 2nd 2004@Snowman
Talking about cleaning my off-road bike out.

Last Friday, I god lid of my off-road bike.

My wife and daughters wanted to clean it out, because it look up a lot of too much. I had to renew my car's insurance before 10th June. So I decided to sell it to the motorcycle shop. It got \110,000. I used it from Jun 1996 to now for 8 years. But I didn't ride it very often.

The Thursday before last I took user road worthiness for my BMW by the transportation authority. It was very easy for me. It took 5 minutes for to check some points. It took 45 minutes all together. I played \6,430. It was very cheep. If I had taken it to a motorcycle shop, I would have had to pay \50 ~ 80 thousands.

That's all.

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