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The weekly report in Nadia English School

Oct. the 18th 2004@Snowman
"My home is messy now."
(The pay waste treatment & my daughter's moving)

This month I am very busy and my home is messy now.
Because we will have to pay to have junks take away after October, and my elder daughter will move to New York at the beginning of next month.
So my wife and I have to dispose of a lot of things in my home and we will get my daughter's some furniture. Then my house is very messy.

I need a lot of times to sort out a lot of photo albums. I refilled half of my touring photo albums in 20 files. But I have a lot of photo albums of my company days files, many kinds of files of when I was young, my mother's trip albums, etc.

I have to throw out old 8mm film move projector & a film editting machine, but I am very sad to throw it out because I have a lot of films of my daughters.

I have to decide what to do with everything.

That's all.

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