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The weekly report in Nadia English School

Feb. the 23rd 2005@Snowman
"Good-bye Nadia English School"
(I have been learning English 10 years in this school.)

I met Nadia McKechnie 10 years ago in this school.
After my retirement I went on learning English happily.
But I have a lot of hobbies and they are too much for me.
Every time I am always sleepy in this class after a 3 hours dance lesson. I am sorry for Nadia teaching me in this situation.

At the beginning of February I caught a cold, and I had to take a rest for 10 days. I didn't drink alcohol for 15 days. This is the first experience in my life as on adult. It has a very important meaning for me because I am to usually healthy.
So I think that I must reset my life style.
And I will start a new life style. But I have no idea now.

I want to come back to Nadia English School in the near future.

Nadia, Thank you so much for your English lesson for a long time.
Good-bye Nadia English School.

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