体験記12 Vilniusのお宅訪問




You say, 'hail Eldreth'
Eldreth says 'Go away! I'm busy! I don't have time for scoundrels like you! Leave me alone or I shall, um..turn you into, er, a fish or something! That is what us powerful wizards do to those who annoy us! Yes, that is it. A fish! <leans towards you, looking abashed> Did that sound scary enough?

「立ち去れ! 私は忙しいのだ。貴様のようなならず者に関わるような時間はない! 私を放っておけ、さもなくば……ふむ、そうだな……魚か何かに変えてしまうぞ! それが我々、強力なWizardをいらだたせた者の末路と知るがいい。いいか、魚だぞ! ……あの、十分恐かった?」

You say, 'stanos sent me'
Eldreth says 'Stanos? Stanos Herkanor? I thought he was long dead. He nearly got me killed, in any case. What does the old fool want of me now?

「Stanos? Stanos Herkanorだと? 私は彼がずいぶん前に死んだと思っていた。彼は私を殺しかけたことがあるのだよ。あのモウロクした老人が、私に何の用があるというのだね?」

You say, 'translate'
Eldreth says 'Ah, codes are my specialty! It's what I did for the Circle before Hanns took over. But the Fox is wrong. I owe him nothing! As a fact, he owes me! He wants this translated - he will have to pay!

「ほう、暗号は私の専門分野だ! Hannsが組織を抜ける前、暗号に関わる仕事は私の担当だったのだよ。しかしあの男は勘違いをしている・・私は彼に借りなど何もない! 彼が私に借りがあるのだ! 彼がこの翻訳を望んでいるのなら……それなりのモノを用意してもらおう」


You say, 'what pay'
Eldreth says 'Aye, pay, and pay you must. I need 100 platinum pieces to begin my work. This tower is old and drafty and it will take that much to make it bearable. And while you're at it, I need something else. I am very busy here and have no time to shop, so bring me back a couple bottles of milk along with your very large bag of platinum, and I will translate anything you wish at that time.

「そうだな、お前に肩代わりさせることにさせるのもいいだろ……まずは支度金として100ppを用意してもらおうか。この塔は古く、痛んでおり、修繕にはそれくらいの資金が必要になるだろうからな。そして私が仕事をしている間、他のモノを用意してもらおうか。私は忙しく、とても街に出て買い物をするような時間はない……そう、プラチナ貨のつまった鞄と、二つのmilkを持ってきてもらおう! お前がこの要求を満たしたとき、私はお前の望むあらゆるモノを解読してみせよう」

 ……報酬安くない? (汗)
 安上がりなEldrethの要求に一安心。いよいよmilkを渡します! 今度はわざとスタックさせて・・と。ていっ。

Eldreth says 'Hmm, interesting. This document is not only encoded, but written in a very obscure language. From what I can gather, it's a variant of elder Teir'dal, but not one I've encountered. I can not fully translate this, but I know one who can. Find Yendar and give him this

Your faction standing with OrderofThree got better
Your faction standing with BloodSabers got worse
Your faction standing with GuardsofQeynos got better
Your faction standing with OpalDarkBriar got worse
You gain experience!!







 この時期、私が遊んでいるSolusek Roではサーバーダウンがありました。サーバーダウンするということは各地のNPCに関する記録が白紙に戻され、殺され、いなくなっていた人たちが再配置されます。

 あの男とは、そう、West Karanaで私をロンリーな気持ちにさせた(泣)、あの男です!

 会いに来たぜ、West Karana! 夜になるまで待って・・やってきました、あの男が!


You say, 'hail Vilnius the Small'
Vilnius the Small says ' Okota , just because I am short don't mean I can't bounce your Halfling rump all over these hills. Now, do you have something for me, or are you just in search of a rump bouncing?

「ども、Vilnius the Smallさん」
「Okota、俺がここにいるのは、別にお前のようなHalflingを狩るためじゃねえ。お前は俺に何か持ってきたのか? それとも何か? 狩りでもしに来たのか?」


You say, 'I will help'
Vilnius the Small says 'Oh, really? So you are willing to wade into Qeynos to track Malka down, or to find out what happened to her? Willing to take up the job if she failed? Willing to risk the wrath of the entire Circle of Unseen Hands? Wonderful, I do so appreciate enthusiasm! Send Malka back to me, or deliver the pouch she was hired to steal, either one. If that works out, maybe we can do more business, I am always looking for new people to help me.. Facilitate.

「ん、本当か? じゃMalkaって女を探しに、Qeynosに潜入してくれ。もしくは、アイツに何があったのか調べてくれ。そしてもしできるなら・・アイツが失敗していたら・・お前がその仕事を引き継いでくれ。ただし、言っておく。これはCircle of Unseen Handsにケンカを売るやばい仕事だ。覚悟はできてるか? もしそうなら、お前に会えたことで俺にも運がまわってきたってことだな! 早い話、仕事内容はこうだ・・Malkaを俺のところに帰る手助けをするか、アイツに持ってこさせるはずだったブツ・・鞄を運ぶ仕事を引き継いでくれ。もしお前にこの山を片づけられるなら、もっと別の山を用意してやろう。新しいパシリは幾らでも必要だからな」


You say, 'she is delayed'
Vilnius the Small says 'Yes, delayed. She has always been prompt in the past, but she is several days overdue, and I know for a fact she completed the job. I am beginning to wonder if something happened to her. I would go check, but I run the risk of missing her if she shows up here.



Vilnius the Small says 'Ah, very nice. Very nice indeed. Good work, and I hope Malka is able to make it out, good help is hard to find. But in the meantime, I am without an acquisition expert. Do you want the job?
You gain experience!!

「おお、やるじゃねえか。よくやったな! ヤツらの目をかすめて外にでるのは厄介だが、まあMalkaなら平気だろう。しかしアイツがいない間、パシリがいなくなっちまうな。お前、ヒマか?」

You say, 'I want job'
Vilnius the Small says 'I need a few more items for a collector. They are rare and valuable, but I will pay you well for your trouble. I need the sword owned by the king of the Frogloks, the sword my distant cousin Karg is so proud of, and the matched set of Painbringer and Fleshripper, held by the kobolds. Return those to me quickly, and we will take it from there, eh?


 これでストーリーの全貌もだいたい見えてきました。次はいよいよ、古代Teir' Dal語を訳すための資料を求め異世界に飛び立ちます。目的地はMaestroの寝所・・Plane of Hateの一等地です。