1.         Facts of Japan


RSS Eurasia Club/JICA SV in RSS Amman Jordan

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View from 50th Floor of Tokyo Metropolitan Office

Area:                 378,000 sq. km

                                       4,510,000 sq. km (Include Sea, 7th among the world)

Length:            2,500 km

Forest:             250,000 sq. km (70%)

Islands:            6,852 Islands

Prefecture:      47 Prefecture

Precipitation: 1,800 mm/annual

Population:     128 million (6th after Brazil)

Family:             2.5 person/Family

                                       1.4 children/woman

GDP:                 5,000 B$ (39,000$/person)

                                       (2nd in the world)    

University:      686 univ./2,786,000 Students

College:           541 colle./267,000 Students

Tennou:          1st      : BC660, Jinmu Tennou

            (Emperor)       125th: Heisei Tennou (Current Emperor)


Shintoism: 94%   
8 Million Gods

         Main Building re-built every 20 years to preserve skill of
wood building carpenter
Buddha:     72%                       
Christian:   1.2%
Moslem:     0.002%
Others:       9%

History & Capital of each era

        Period                                Capital City    

Before -660                        ???            (Pre Historic Era)

660- 592(1252 years)     Asuka         (Asuka Era)

592-  784(193 years)       Nara            (Asuka, Nara Era)

784-1184(401 years)       Kyoto         (Heian Era) 

1192-1333(142 years)       Kamakura (Kamakura Era)

1334-1573(240 years)       Kyoto         (Nannboku-Chou Era)

1573-1596(  24 years)       Kyoto         (Azuchi-Momoyama)

1603-1868(262 years)       Tokyo         (Eda Era)

1868-Present(137 years) Tokyo         (Current Era)           

Mt. Fuji, highest mountain in Japan (3,776m a.s.l.) view in May, has been worshiped since ancient age as one of the most sacred mountain by the people of Japan.

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