
Family use only

Income from farming only

Majority income from farming

Majority income from non-farming


Blue: Protein

Yellow: Fat

Red: Carbohydrate

4. Food Industry in Japan

RSS Eurasia Club/JICA SV in RSS Amman Jordan

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1. Abstract

Japanese foods are considered world famous healthy and rich in appearing of eye catching, as well as highly developed deep in art form. Especially Japanese are known as paradoxical fish lover. On the other hand, the dining table of Japanese home is dangerously reply on imported foods. Even Japan is totally surrounded by sea, she import large amount of fish from all over the world. Surprisingly, over 60 percents of all foods consumed in Japan are imported from North America, Asia, Australia and many other countries. Japan is seriously seeking to increase the percentage of self reliance of their food supply domestically promoting agriculture for younger generations.

Fig.1Food supply of Japan is dangerously rely over 60 % on import from abroad


USA, Australia, Brazil are the major supplier of the basic foods ofJapan badly needed
Fig.2 Origin of countries of Wheat, Beef and Soya Beans consumed in Japan

2. Japanese Foods:
Japanese foods have enjoying good reputation as most healthy among the world. Its main features are low fat, low calories and well balanced. Thanks to the facts that life expectancies of Japanese people unbeatable top for decades. Recently, a boom of Japanese foods are rushing in many western cities like New York, Paris, London and in Amman as well. You will find fabulously furnished Japanese restaurant in Royal hotel or Fame in 5th circle. There is no argument that the Japanese foods are so good for our body and nutrition. wise as well. Only we do not like is the cost of dishes, it is also fabulously tagged.

Fig.3 Comparison on Nutrition Balance of Foods in different countries


3. Foods supply in Japan:

Presently, Japan is in great danger of its food supply. Surprisingly over 60% of the food consumption is relied on import from abroad. This is one of Japan's great and serious headaches on indispensable necessities, energy natural resources and foods. If one day import of foods stopped, it is certain that we drop into the real starve in short period. North America, Asia and Australia are major suppliers of our badly needed foods materials. This vulnerable condition of food supply in Japan has been accelerated by post war industrial shift from agriculture/fishing industries to heavy and high tech industry. People, specially younger generation, left agriculture/fishing industries and has engaged in industrial work which gave them higher income than doing agriculture/fishing. Many farm lands abandoned and soon become unproductive land anymore. And, less people has been engaged in fishing industry as well.

Fig.4 Number of Farmers in category

On the other hand, from consumer side, demand for safer foods are increasing, and becoming to attentive more on the origin of our foods available in the supermarket. They are becoming to buy safer and higher quality of foods even its price is higher than others.


4. Measures taken to curve the situation:

Japanese government has now realized this serious situation on our food supply that dangerously standing on its edge to the devastating total corruption. They are promoting younger people to engage more in agriculture/fishing industries giving them incentives and social statuses. Advertise of the safety and quality of the domestic farm/fish products to the nation has been put in priority.
Education in primary school:
Importance of domestic agriculture industry and safe supply of foods is taught for school age children to understand the real situation of our food issue and provide them knowledge for safer foods.
Promotion of Agriculture:
Incentives are given to the newly engaged farmers who once engaged in other occupation in order to increase percentage of self reliance on our own foods.
IC tag are going to be introduced in order to identify all the records of food products down to the name of individual producer, and how the products processed and stored to deliver safer and higher quality food products to the home.
Recycling all wastes from farmlands, houses, factories and etc. organically to increase total energy efficiency and keep the better global environment.

Fig.5 Conceptual model of Biomass Circle


5. Conclusion
Currently Japan is enjoying good standard of food supply having imported as much as 60% of its own demand from abroad. But it is urged to improve this dangerous situation by promoting domestic farming and fishing industries to increase their outputs and to become attractive as other industries are.

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