5. Traditional Industry in Japan
Japan Paper (Washi)

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1. Abstract:

Located in the midst of Ocean, climate in Japan performed major role in developing traditional industries in Japan. Their climate is moderate but wet and hop in summer, while dry and cold in winter. People living there, invented their daily necessities from the desire for better living standards. Among of them is paper craft that are commonly used from materials for building Japanese house to writing papers. The other is Japanese steel that has characteristics soft and hard at the same time, and widely used for Japanese swords that is extremely light weight and sharp edged, and in western countries, it is highly reputed as art items rather than practical use.

For example, Dutch art master Rembrandt loved to use Japan paper (Washi) in printing his art on it. The master knew that Japan paper (Washi) has extra fine and strong in addition to color expression is much finer than western paper.

Rembrandt 100 Guilder Print on Japan Paper: Christ Preaching

2. Paper Craft (Washi):

Washi, Japanese Paper is known as strong and fine that durable for the weather both wet and dry seasons. Like everywhere in the world, paper industry is one of the oldest industry emerged in this country. Basic theory and technique is identical to the one found at everywhere in the world. But their finish varies in large varieties due to the needs of the people. Paper is one of the best material for wet weather because it absorbs humid in it and helps keeping comfortable environs to live. In 12 centuries during feudal era, a colorful and extravagant culture flourished among high ranked people in Japan. The paper, at the time, it was regarded as precious materials, are often used in letter paper, outfit ornament or screening in the room among high ranked people as the latest fashion. Naturally, higher quality were demanded by these people to express their power and wealth to the other. Thus Japanese Washi, handmade paper, become extremely fine and has extra fine quality to be admired.

Japan paper is highly developped and used in variety of purposes,
as it is extra strong and has extra long lasting coloring

3. Difference between Japanese Paper (Washi) and Western Paper:
Most big difference is length of paper fiber. Paper fiber of Japanese Paper (Washi) reaches as long as 10mm while paper fiber of western paper is as short as less than 1mm. This long fiber brings strength of Japan Paper (Washi). Making paper with long fiber is not easy. It tends to become uneven in dissolved water. After countless attempt of improvement, Japanese craft men finally succeeded to produce even thickness paper with long paper fiber. They introduced two things;

Root of TORORO AOI, Flower of TORORO AOI

4. High Performance Paper:
Japan paper was constantly developed further into sophisticated and multipurposed till today. Currently, variety of high performance papers are manufactured in Japan using Washi technology. And major parts of high performance paper are manufactured in Japan and exported all over the world, especially in high technology industry in western countries.
For example, Japan is major supplier of separator in battery cell or electrical capacitor, friction materials used in car breaks and clutch plate.

Cell Battery that needs extra long life and high capacity uses Japan paper as separator

Friction materials of high performance paper are widely used in luxurious car like Mercedes Benz of its break and clutch
that decides feeling of smoothness of the car maneuverability

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