"Walk on Fire" Festival
(Hiwatari Matsuri)
@Mar/'03 Takao Tokyo

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A rage of flame on the sacred stage for "Hiwatari (Walk on Fire) Festival"

On Sunday in early spring, "Walk on Fire" festival of Iizuna-Dai-Gongen Shrine in Takao-San is held. It is not far from my house in Sagamihara City. I pedaled to the festival field through Machida Road and Route 20. It took me half an hour to reach the field by bicycle. Beside the festival field, there is a metropolitan "Takao Nature Museum". I spent a little more than an hour watching displays in the museum. This museum is free to everyone and rather small sized. But displays are worth to see, for example, the earth structure of west Tokyo area, geographical history of this area and present ecological system of Takao mountain area. It equips even a library and classrooms for study of nature.

Display of skeleton of Nauman Elephant at "Takao Nature Museum": once lived in present Tokyo area

After visiting the Metropolitan Takao Nature Museum, continued cycling on route 20 up to Tarumi pass, and had a lunch bought at convenience shop "7-11" on the way. The lunch after having physical exercise tastes just good. Then, drove down the bicycle to the festival field near the railway terminal station of "Takao". At about one o'clock afternoon, monks of men and women under training, wearing glittering attire of mythological training in the mountains or just white attire marched into the festival field. Some wear ancient formal warriors like, or carrying sword and bow. Others are carrying a miniature portable shrine upon their shoulders. Some others are carrying big shell horn and browning them during their marching.

A long ritual ceremony continues for more than an hour. Monks under training spoke in old style language. Their talk is the simulation of talks between the god of mountains and themselves. The voice is loud and slow or strong in deep dignity. It echoes mountains surrounding the festival field. During the ritual ceremony a fire set to the woods piled in the center of the festival field, the flame start roaring in a short time, just like big mountain fire in dry season. It was rather windy day, gust sometimes blows the flame towards the onlookers. The heat of the flame is so strong and burns our face hot. When the ritual ceremony finished, the flame of the fire is also start shrinking. Then, monks under training walk on the ash when the flame of fire finally disappeared from the ground.

Monk under training march-in holding sacred fire stick

Ordinal people can also participate on this training, "Hiwatari" (walk on fire), after the monks under training finished their training of walk on fire. I went on the queue to do the experience of the training. A few foreigners are seen in the queue. It is said that good luck would happen on the person who practiced the "walk on fire" practice. Even people of modern days wish to have a good luck from the old worship. They took off the shoes/ socks and participate the practice hoping good luck without a confidence for sure. Only the god knows if the wishes are rewarded or not. My turn has come. I took off the cap and proceeded to the gate for walk on fire. Before entering the ash road, stand on the mound of salt. Monks are standing both side of the gate. They pat my shoulder signing go ahead. I walked on the ash. I did not feel the heat in the ash. I felt it was only warm. By the time we practice the experiment, ash already had been cooled down to the worm feeling temperature. At the end of the walk, a donation box is placed. People donate some money foe the thanks. It was unique and interesting experience for the first time in Takao Mountain in west part of Tokyo.

Monks under training march blowing shell horn

9/Mar/'03 Rinzo@Tokyo (Updated on 31/Oct/'05)

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